Tower of Terror (Introduction to hell)

I was cleaning my house when I came across the attached picture taken at Gold Reef City Theme Park on the thrilling roller coaster called the Tower of terror and the Lord spoke to me. while we were on the cue to the ride, in front of me were a group of five slang-talking, cigarette-smoking teenagers who were acting all-gangster, teasing and making fun of others like bullies do. Soon we arrived at the security inspector and facilitator, and the brave four were placed to sit on the front seat while the ringleader sat with me along with a certain couple at the back of the eight-seater trolley as shown in the picture. 

Dropping vertically (at 180 degree angle) from 50 m above the ground at the speed of 100km/hr into an open mine shaft, is the reason why the Tower of terror is rated the highest fear factor of 10/10. If you observe the attached picture, you may be surprised as I was when I realized that  Bull and the gang  were screaming like little girls with the oldest member having his eyes closed at the back…and of course, I am the superhero in the batman T-shirt smiling at the back. Come-on, I’m not that dark, you can see me… ok, you can see the teeth come-on, you are not that blind! Only then did each one of us realised that we were on our own and facing unexpected death while we thought we were having fun. 

Unfortunately my friends, as I watched this picture, the Holy Spirit gave me a message that is not pleasing to my soul, the message of hell. Many people have watched the brilliantly created SABC 1 educational drama series, Intersexion, about the spread of HIV through infidel sexual rlationships. Many people are having fun and get into the sex Tower of terror only to realize that they are facing death alone. It is the same with Hell. Sins (deadly lifestyles) are conveyed as normal, fun, the best e.t.c. but there wont be any warning at death. Bull and the gang, an innocent-looking couple and some lone-ranger walked freely and having fun at Gold Reef City but within seconds there were screams as their souls drop down the pit of terror. I believe it is so with hell. 

1 Thessalonians 5:2 NLT (2) For you know quite well that the day of the Lord's return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. 

Unfortunately I believe that it is the will of God to preach the gospel of God in God’s way only (simple preaching without exaggerations or persuasive additives) ; which is foolish to people because it doesn’t convince our minds that Hell is really hell but it would surely minister to your spirit and help you adjust your life accordingly. 

1 Corinthians 1:18 NLT The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. 

Honestly, I personally don’t believe that it is my responsibility to change people or advertise Christ or make church look like fun to appeal to the youth or “sinners”. I only share the gospel with those that the Lord lead me to or those who come to me seeing “something about me” which they believe could give them life. It is happening very often that even as I walk in the streets, as rugged as I look, there is a magnet that pulls people of all ages, races and cultures who are in need of the gospel to be ministered to. Last week, upon returning from emptying the rubbish bin, an old magogo called me to seek help on the problems that her family and boss’ family are facing. I couldn’t understand because I hadn’t had a bath, my hair was uncombed and I am the one that looked like I needed help. As the Lord led me to share  the gospel, I could see her being healed, filled  with hope, and she hugged me overjoyed. An elderly man overhears me and my friends sharing the gospel and took my numbers confessing that he is a Christian and has never had anything like that and would like to keep contact. So, if someone enjoys sins…hey, let them have fun! Don’t expect me to preach to them because I am convicted inside to  preach only to those who are tired and weary of sins; those who don’t know how to get out of a sinful life and are desperate for salvation just like Jesus did. Manipulation is certainly not a Godly way even though it is the way which the world respond to (intellectually). Many ministers manipulate people to give offerings into their ministries but God loves cheerful givers and we don't need to convince you to give. If you see a need and the Holy Spirit convict you of giving, give and you will be blessed. That's how God works, He speaks to your spirit not your mind or emotions because otherwise it would be temporal.

I bet you that people would still continue having unprotected sex even if they decide not to after watching Intersexion that convicted them emotionally through fear … why? Because no one has the power over sin (to control themselves/the flesh). why?

Romans 7:17-21 NLT So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. (18) And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can't. (19) I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. (20) But if I do what I don't want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. (21) I have discovered this principle of life--that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. 

What? You thought you can just say today I stop smoking and you do because you saw some scary lungs on TV? You dont have that power because you are a slave!

John 8:34 NLT Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin. 

Fear won’t be there or even memories of Intersexion when the flesh begins to be pulled by the vibe and atmosphere of fun this Friday as the cars park next to your flat, the music pumping, friends screaming, facebook updating, alcohol flying, friends calling. honeys looking fly, DJ so and so in the area, tickets to here and there, and everyone doing it. Plus you know that there is this one person who has so much power over you.You become helpless when he/she touches you but right now you are still " touched" by Intesexion, thinking you can control yourself but Friday is coming and I would be checking the Facebook updates along with the News Cafe next door. This is not to condemn you but to prove to you that you can not do it on your own effort.

There is no way you can control it, stru ! The world come up with solutions to the problems like they say “condomize and you will be saved”, wow! Really? God allows us to just chill and watch the world try all their intellectual or magical solutions but after they fail and are desperately looking at Christians (God), we shall take over with The Lord’s solutions but right now they think they are smart and cool heading towards the tower of terror, so we sit back and let them. What they don’t know is that this is a spiritual problem and we know the enemy and how to fight him (Eph. 6:10-18). You cannot save yourself by either condomizing or applying any effort, no one has power to control the flesh which is slave to sin. Salvation is only through Christ! 

Romans 7:25 NLT Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God's law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin. 

John 8: 34-36 NLT Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin. (35) A slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son is part of the family forever. (36) So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. 

One could be a slave to sin but it is not permanent because Jesus can buy us free. Even as I would be sharing about Hell, my focus would never be to trigger your emotions or talk to your intelligence but speak to your spirit as the Word always does and as Jesus viewed it. Over the years, I criticized Hell-focused preachers and Eschatology teachers who manipulate people’s emotions through fear to convert people to Christianity. It doesnt work because they get back and miss the real Salvation (spiritual).There won’t be any horrific warnings with special effects to help anyone choose Christ; I won’t introduce guns in gospel music videos to get gangsters to convert. That tape doesn't play on my DVD! If you believe that you don’t need Christ, well, good luck ! This Gospel is for the desperate, not the wise like those boys at Gold Reef City! If the prodigal son’s father let him go to destroy his life, I also let you go and won’t try to convince you not to. 

In tertiary, I met a girl who slept around with every guy until she met this abusive guy. She told me that she is very thankful for that guy because his abuse helped her to be disciplined. Wow! Really? I wonder how many other twisted people like that girl are expecting God to act wrathful towards them to show His love and to help them not destroy themselves (especially in hell). God is a loving gentleman who had already provided Christ as the solution. So, my friends, there would never be horrific warnings from God to help you choose not to go to hell. If you wanna go, you can go but at least God provided Christ just in case you decide not to go at any time. Please join me on the next offering as we share the gospel around hell in more details from Scriptures and practical examples.

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