When I was growing up, we used to run outside at night to play in the light provided by the moon. WE LOVED AND PRAISED THE BEAUTY OF THE MOON calling it ‘makhadzi’ (Aunty). It’s only recently that I have learnt that the moon is an ugly planet filled with darkness. THE LIGHT WE SEE IN THE MOON IS ACTUALLY THE REFLECTION OF LIGHT SOURCED FROM THE SUN. I should have picked it up before because SOMETIMES IT IS HALF MOON AND SOMETIMES A QUARTER MOON. AND BELIEVE ME, SOMETIMES IT IS THERE BUT WE JUST DON’T SEE IT.

The greatest fearless mighty king I have ever heard of, David, said in Psalms 27:1 ESV “THE LORD IS MY LIGHT and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

Many are talented or possess or rich or beautiful or high positions or healthy or nicely built physically or successful or powerful or blessed in some way. But how many acknowledge the real source of that beauty or power? How many praise God for the greatest gift of life a? Who is actually the source of life ? is it food, water and air? God says He gives power even to the sinners and He blesses them to be wealthy and powerful.

Some become proud like Lucifer and die. Some are deceived to admire and worship people with beauty and power, pastors, and virtuous women.

Mark 10:18 ESV And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.

If even Jesus, Himself, admit not to be good, what about you and me? We are all like the moon, full of darkness. That’s why we need God and must worship Him, follow His lead, thank Him at all times pleading with Him to keep us in the light.

I am never intimidated by people who act like they don’t need or believe in God. I know that inside each and everyone of us, there is hunger for God. If we do not acknowledge Him and get connected in time, we will soon be half moon and quarter moon before we are completely destroyed and people would see us for who we are, dark and ugly!

Some people’s lives are going no where, they can feel that they are destined for better but they are absolutely in the dark. Get connect!


Pray for Leaders, pastors, fathers and husbands because God shines His light through them for you! Do not worship them but the source Himself. Instead of seeking a non-existing beautiful wife or good man, seek God to shine His light on the real ones (dark ones) !

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