THE REALITY OF FREEDOM- Written by guest, Tony O. Egbejule

My Lords, I introduce to you the guest writer, Tony O. Egbejule , one of the Truth Writers that have joined the Truth Unclothed Media’s team of authors, poets, musicians, comedians, graphic designers and entertainers.
Tony is a youth pastor at Kingdom City Church in Honey Dew, Johannesburg, and a Director of a non-interdenominational youth group call Breaking boundaries. Tony and  I met in Bible School three years back and being an author and a musician himself, we just had to click.  That is not all we have in common, as you can see, we definitely have the same father who worked at the Sun…I’m talking about the Sun City, what’s wrong with you?  We are currently working on releasing his first book, Humanism isn't grace! You can tell that a lot of thought provoking Truths are revealed here.  I will send a post from Pastor Egbejule later, I hope that you will be blessed.

THE REALITY OF FREEDOM- Written by Tony O. Egbejule 

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue
in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
JOHN 8:31-32

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have
set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore
choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

The word FREEDOM is one noun word with two syllables(‘FREE’DOM’) that has been highly misinterpreted, misexhibited and mistaught in  present day society. To some it’s the right to do whatever they see fit, while to others it is the liberty to go wherever they want to and to speak to who ever they want to which ever way they feel like it.

I have also discovered that the meaning of FREEDOM varies based on people's experiences and locations. For some people FREEDOM is been self sufficient, not relying on, or affected by something or someone. While for others it's to be free from the control of others, to be independent in terms of nations.For us in South Africa, FREEDOM means liberty from the old white apartheid reigm, for those from some of the west African countries its liberty from European dominance .

 As good as these may sound , it’s the one reason why the effect and true meaning of  FREEDOM has not been fully achieved.  And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free John 8:32” .  

The dictionary meaning of the word, FREEDOM is  the state of not being under control and being able to do whatever one wishes. “Mmm” interesting, though not true! This definition of FREEDOM right here sounds catchy and cliché but is not the whole truth, which then makes it untrue.

A  review of FREEDOM from the word’ perspective.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have
set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore
choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Does this scripture remind any one of the bill of freedom of choice?
Of course, it does bring back to memory the fact that there is something called freedom of choice , but with the missing link called “RESPONSIBILITY”
The simple omission of the word RESPONSIBILITY is what disqualifies the worlds Idea of FREEDOM. If you take a closer look at the scripture below, you will realize how true and accurate the word FREEDOM was spelt out.

I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life.
I just offered you the FREEDOM of making your own choice, but I will love it if you will consider the RESPONSIBILITY that it comes with by making the right choice.
As I conclude on this train of thought, I will love to submit to you the fact that :
FREEDOM is not the liberty to do what ever you feel like, neither is it a state of   not been under control, but the ability to be RESPONSILBLE enough to make the right choice even when you re left alone to call the shorts.

"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"
This is the truth that is missing in the present day definition of FREEDOM  that’s why we have nations who have been set free from foreign dominance for decades but still live in bondage; their youths  are in the bondage of drugs, alcohol and sex addictions, yet they claim to be free from been under the control of anything and anyone.  FREEDOM is taking the RESPONSIBILITY of making the right choice at all times even when no one is there to supervise you.

                                        Written by Tony O. Egbejule 

Edited by Oscar Machaba


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