Sisters’ special offering: Getting a man to love you

I accidentally came across the scripture below about love between Jacob, Rachel and Leah when I was investigating Judah’s origin. I was shocked to find out that the very same efforts and self-deceptions that today’s women go through to get men to love them, had been existing sinceBible times. The Lord also enlightened me with some attributes of a man who genuinely loves a girl to share in this offering.

A summary of the context: Jacob loved Rachel but her father tricked him by allowing Leah, Rachel’s sister, to sleep with Jacob. Leah would try to do stuff to be loved by Jacob.

Babies for love

Genesis 29:32-34 NLT (32) So Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, "The LORD has noticed my misery, and now my husband will love me." (33) She soon became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She named him Simeon, for she said, "The LORD heard that I was unloved and has given me another son." (34) Then she became pregnant a third time and gave birth to another son. She named him Levi, for she said, "Surely this time my husband will feel affection for me, since I have given him three sons!"

Ladies, I don’t want to rub on it much more than the scriptures already did. But it is been there for years and at least we learnt that one cannot keep a man or get a man to love them by “trapping” him with a baby or babies in this case. As painful as it is, if a man doesn’t love you, he doesn’t love you and never will regardless of what you do.

Don’t feel bad if you had a baby with someone and they left you because in verse 35, Leah became wise and blessed:

(35) Once again Leah became pregnant and gave birth to another son. She named him Judah, for she said, "Now I will praise the LORD!" And then she stopped having children.

Leah finally gave up on pleasing a man and she turned her eyes on to God realising that babies are of the Lord. Judah (and not our favourite Joseph) is the chosen one, out of his 11 brothers, to be Jesus’s ancestor in his pedigree (Mat. 1:2,3). See your child for who she/he is in the eyes of the Lord instead of man’s. So, instead of feeling bad if you had a baby, rather make better decisions and the Lord will bless you.

For those who don’t have children yet or are thinking of methods to attain a man’s love or affection, let’s see where Leah’s self-deception methods had started.

Sex for love

Genesis 29:23 NLT But that night, when it was dark, Laban took Leah to Jacob, and he slept with her.

Another old trick of buying love that girls continuingly deceive themselves with is that they think that giving it up would buy his love. You have heard people say men use love to get sex and women use sex to buy love; they are not far off. Honestly, sex doesn’t mean the same thing between boys and girls. You can argue all you want but boys forget who they have slept with, playing. So, it is foolish by thinking that sex would turn a man to love you or put a man under pressure to love you. You can pressurize him by the law, culture, or with your pastor to take you as a wife but imagine the pain of living with him when he loves somebody else.

Genesis 29:25-26 NLT But when Jacob woke up in the morning--it was Leah! "What have you done to me?" Jacob raged at Laban. "I worked seven years for Rachel! Why have you tricked me?" (26) "It's not our custom here to marry off a younger daughter ahead of the firstborn," Laban replied.

I don’t buy this Laban’ story of customs as a reason to commit such a corrupt act, Laban would have told Jacob about it Seven years earlier if it was the main reason. I believe that Leah was just desperate for love/marriage and she couldn’t stand seeing someone who is loved with such passion as did Jacob for Rachel. My version of the story would include that she begged her father to commit such a profane crime. Come-on sisters, don’t act like you don’t know somebody who sees a friend or sister being passionately loved by a man, and they want that man for themselves. Please don’t make me talk about worldly things like when your girlfriend goes to sleep with your man because you told her …. I can remove this holy tone and start talking stories… basop! So, stop acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about!

Be careful of telling your girlfriends everything, and sisters please… don’t be like Rachel, who was enjoying being chased that they snatched her man under her nose. Don’t get used to playing hard-to-get and passive that your man ends up being tricked by someone else ( and you say men are dogs, wake up sister!). In fact, let me tell you something you don’t seem to know: before a man finds a girl, no one cares about him but when a man finds the girl he loves, all hell break loose with every girl, including those out of your class. So, keep your eyes on your man and not in an insecurity/jealousy manner. Again, people who are in love must protect it from evil people especially in their close relatives/friends.

Competing for love

(30) So Jacob slept with Rachel, too, and he loved her much more than Leah. He then stayed and worked for Laban the additional seven years.

A mistress/concubine/Nyatsi always try to get a cheating man to love her more than his wife. You can be on denial or be religious all you want but it is impossible to love people the same way. The one who is loved “much more” is the one the man want to be with and hence marries. Again if you love somebody who has another girl on the side, don’t be a fool and try to show the girl “who he loves more”. Leave him!

The most foolish thing I have heard is “I don’t care what he does out there, as long as he comes back home to me every day and I don’t get to hear about it”. What are you, a fool? You better be planning to get blind and death because eventually you would hear and see it. We cannot build a society based on defeated mind-sets and perverted sexual behaviours. Let me tell you this, whether you accept it or not: The will of the Lord will be done and will prevail above our evil nature regardless of what Hollywood teaches (define for) us about love and relationships. I don’t care how many evil men you and your girlfriends have met but the fact is that men were created by God to love only one woman each and be faithful to her. 8/9 men that I personally know love one woman. You can either choose to believe it or enjoy blaming men because it is safe to play victim… isn’t it? I guess, it’s because it removes our eyes from you so we can somehow excuse your self-destructive lifestyle to gang up on the evil man. While we are playing these man-blaming games, the Lord is expecting production from men-women’s unity. 

So, do not venture into more self-destructive actions to attain love or justify why you are doing it. The point is that a man can love and stay with you even when you don’t have anything including children just like in this case, Rachel & Jacob (verse 32), also Sarah & Abraham (Gen.15:2) and Hannah & Elkanah :-

1 Samuel 1:5 AMP But to Hannah he gave a double portion, for he loved Hannah, but the Lord had given her no children.
On the next offering, we shall discuss the attributes of a man who genuinely loves a woman and prove practically that people are uniquely designed, so men like different things and if you don’t have that think, you can do everything the media teach but a certain man wont love you. .

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