Episode 5 : Love, sex and judgement 1


Episode 5 : Love, sex and judgement 1

Monday morning of Valentine’s shiny day brought both light and complete emotional healing miracle for Cheddar. Another miracle to Themba’s mind as he walked behind Cheddar when they were going out, is how Cheddar’s beggy jeans manage to sit intact on the thighs and never falling during movement or dancing. < That’s a miracle to me and I just don’t understand the point of wearing a belt too though!> . Anyway, Themba had called and asked his boss the previous day to take a day off to spend time with his new troubled brother. Cheddar was already healed, so they spend much of the day laughing, teasing, discussing sports, politics, religion and of course… chicks and … saying hi to some of them at Cresta mall. On their way back from the mall, Cheddar watched the barbers shaving their sheep under the trees beside Beyers Naude and he remarked, “I wonder how these guys manage to afford their rent and lives?”. A voice suddently proclaimed, “All things are possible to those who trust in Jesus”. It was Darlene Zchech’s voice in all things are possible song that Themba has set as a ring tone in his cellular phone. Cheddar was still reflecting on his curiosity when all of a suddent his face changed with excitement after he heard Themba answer “Hey, Khanyi. Kunjani?”.

Cheddar was whispering  something to  Themba who was ignoring him whike speaking on the phone,  “Nami ngiyaphila, sorry for yestaday. I had to rush home… yes of course what time, you said you will come konja? Ok … oright. Sharp. Moja! …bye!” . “What bra, what she said? She coming thru?”, the curious Cheddar asked while Themba seemed to be contemplating in thoughts. “ya!”. “Is she gonna come to tha crib?. Yo, T-man you lethal my guy! You got a fly date! I can give you space if u need to use the crib for ..". Themba rebuked the young man, “Hey, we are not going to need that and no, it’s not a date. Where you on a date with me ealier?”. “Hell no! you not my type son!” answered Cheddar with a disgust face.
Themba however seems to be confused as if something is missing < like the prepositions in Cheddar’s grammar perhaps> and he finally got it, Doug! All these time he never asked Khanyi about her husband, Mr. Branson. It’s not that there is anything he wants to know about successful entrepreneurs but it’s just njeh, she’s supposed to say something about him so he then could change the topic after acting like he’s happy for her, you know the usual stuff.
Anyway, it was 4:30 pm and Themba’s time to rush back to the house or the crib if you prefer calling it the hip hop way .

6:30 pm and the heavenly light was disappearing and turning red in the west . this just catalyses Temba’s nervousness as he is questioning himself if what he is doing actually has a descriptive word or justification. He continued walking up Louise street towards Kwik-Spar shopping centre where they agreed to meet with Khanyisile. A  soft thought asked him, “isn’t this woman supposed to be with her husband on such a day? Pastor Kobus always counselled a woman in the presence of another minister, especially his wife, don’t you think it’s a bit risky or unwise?”. Themba dismissed the thought by reasoning, “We are supposed to love and help people so they can see God through us. Besides, we are not going to be in confined spaces.” Darlene started again with  “All things are possible..” but this time she was disturbed by a “Helo? Hey, I’m just turning into… ok I see you there. Just park khona lapho ngiyeza!”. The music in the X5 was getting louder as he approached and he could hear Proffessor singing “Ngi-imoto etjontja imali” . Like most people, Themba loved the song but not the lyrics of someone calling himself a car that steals money, what in the world is that? .

Just as Themba was recalling that he actually doesn’t have a plan on where they were going, he got disoriented further by the black heels accompanied by long light brown legs of Khanysile’s, as she stepped out to give him a hug. “I’m glad you could make it handsome, you look like something to eat. Who is the lucky woman that inherited my hunk?”, Khanyi flirted. Themba answered sheepishly “Thanks, you look fabulous yourself”. Themba was still avoiding answering the question about the lucky woman when Khanyi screamed “Oh, Steers? Our favourite! Can we go in or you had other plans?”. “no, no, no not at all!”, he answered with an invisible relief that at least they are not going to some fancy resturant.

Steers was indeed their favourite restaurant with a lot of history and drama. Like this other time few years back when they were still dating; Themba  did not have enough cash but pretended that everything was ok. Khanyi felt like the ground could open to swallow her as they walk to their table after ordering large chips and cold drinks but she is an actress by profession, so she was happy. She was busy fighting her mother’s words in her thoughts that she is not too intelligent and beautiful to end up with these kasi (township) usesless boys. Mrs Tau was partially illiterate but knew that a woman’s power is in her looks and that Khanyi is not supposed to end up being some dish washer for some looser (maybe becasue she felt that way about herself before allegedly poisoning her husband, as rumours stipulated).
Khanyi loved Themba and as she tried fighting people’s opinions that he’s not her type or class but still  she just felt like he was not loving her back. She felt like Themba is just infatuated by her beauty and hoping to float through life without any effort. She had dreams and passion for fashion but Themba, like every  church members and commuters thought it wasn’t godly for a pastor’s daughter to engage in such Worldly things. She felt like she was sinking, alone and lonely until Doug came along of course. She wanted to continue with Themba but that day at the restaurant questioned her capabilities to continue. Themba was dressed funny with a dirty sporti pansula hat, those All Stars tekkies (sneakers) nicknamed “Ama-voetsek” and pens with legs that looked like double-edged swords. She tried poking the chips with that tiny three-teeth Steers plastic fork but people’s judgemental eyes around were overwhelming. Themba was in his own world and proudly enjoying his speech that she could not even comprehend. I guess it’s because men are just not gifted in multitasking, so maybe he should have tried interchanging eating and speaking. Maybe that could have assisted also in saving the already limited food that he was wasteing by spitting out as he talks with his mouth full. The poking of chips was already unimaginable especially after Themba poured all four colourful sauces in , so she resulted in looking at the straw while sipping her drink and punching her cellphone as if it had a virus that she has been trying to get rid of for the previous 30 minutes. To keep him unsuspicious, she regularly said “yah!” and sometimes “hmmm!” in agreement to whatever he could be saying but the tone saying "It is enough can we talk something else?". She couldn’t dare to look at his face in fear of the despicable , so she fished around for attractive pictures like the colourful walls and the rugby game on TV. Other girls where looking at her like “you must be desperate” and the neatly dressed brothers looked at her like “must we come rescue you?” but she gave them that “he’s just my brother” gaze and those who argued she replied “ok, the table was empty so I allowed him to sit”. If she made a mistake and looked at his pants and shoes, she got insulted and threatened. It was a horrible day for the poor Khanyisile Tau.

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