Loving God pt.1

If God is love and complete, does He need or want to be loved? Why does He command us to Love Him if He doesn’t need anything? I have a friend who works at MTN and she can make free calls to another MTN network cellphone like mine. But I have realised that even though she can always call me if I buzz her or send a “please call me“ sms, she loves it when I use my own money to call her and chat. So, I believe that though God is not dependant on our love, He does want to be loved and if we we have to love Him back like the bride loves her man.

I have heard preachers use Ephesians 5:25 to emphasize that men must love their wives but further implying that it is not necessary for women to love their husbands. Well, like I said, , “if your husbands, fathers and brothers don’t wanna be loved, good for them, I want to be loved!”

I believe that a major contributor to all these broken families is the result of unloved men and… women who don’t know how to love. Yes, I said it! Nobody teaches these girls how to love, so they are only concerned on dreaming, worried and boring God to give them husbands. Who wants to give their son to you? God had already sacrificed His son for unloving people, it’s enough! Who wants to give their son for you to abuse?

We make a mistake by thinking that God is a man like the Rambos that we have modelled our men to be (stones that don’t need love). So, we take all the love from Him and give nothing back because we are taught to receive and never to give. Non-sense! Why does God reward those who love Him if we cant love Him (James1:12, 2:5)? Why would God cancel all the laws of Moses and leave only one (two way law) for the church to obey?

Mat 22: 37/ Deuteronomy 6:5 AMP And you shall love the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being and with all your might.

Then it must be His will and therefore we must be able to love God. Wesley’s commentary on the above scripture adds, ‘And the whole stream of our affections must run toward Him.’ We need to chase God and love Him back, don’t be satisfied with the introductory blessing, there’s more where that came from.

A sister in Facebook was sharing with me the supernatural miracles that God is ‘ridiculously’ doing for her and I recalled having the similar experiences when God was also stalking me. I remember being overwhelmed, confused and unable to share with people because even Christians don’t believe in the supernatural because it’s weird and impossible. At that stage of experiencing God's love, you could even be as evil or dark like the night but God would continue loving and pursuing you unconditionally. God’s love will make you be ashamed of your sins and at least go to church and as He continues loving you, you get overwhelmed and give your life to Him (not because He asked you or He would stop loving you). later there comes a time when God start hiding from you and this time you have to seek Him as we shared in the last offering. And then there is another stage when you realise what you have actually discovered and you are willing to give up everything to Love God.

Matthew 13:44 NLT "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.

At this level, you willingly give up everything that is occupying your heart as sources of happiness/life e.g. material things, addictions, unhealthy relationships e.t.c. Religion (through their laws) would demand that you  live right and give up everything just when you receive Christ because “ you are now a Christian”. But God would establish a love relationship with you by blessing you unmeritedly and that establishes trust in you, which eventually assists you to give-up all those bad things. This is why the law is bondage and is there to prove to you that you cannot fulfil it.

Galatians 5:1 NLT So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law.

One guy at work once came to me screaming at me as I parked my car at the staff parking lot. He was mad at me because the master-drive laws of our company declare that we must not pull the handbrakes to make the noise the way mine did when I pulled it. He even had an audacity to get his sweaty half body through my driver’s window to reach my handbrake to demonstrate his insult. Of course, me being me I decided to show him that the car and the brakes are mine, so I pulled it up and down a few hundred times making that noise while he stands there watching. If he were my boss or mother or pastor or friend, I would have listened to him but he had no relationship with me and hence he couldn’t have pushed me to obey laws.

It is in our natural nature to be rebellious when we are oppressed. The law is oppressive and that’s why the Israelites were rebellious because they did not have a face-to-face love relationship with God; He gave them the laws. God could not be one with them because of their sinful nature unlike us who have being washed by Christ’s blood. So, you can imagine how impossible it was for the Israelites to fulfil Deuteronomy 6:5.

Friends, God’s unconditional and unmerited love draws us to Him and humbles us in such a way that He can gently eradicate our addictions, defences, false securities, sins and gods in our lives. Later, it wouldn’t be an effort or sacrifice to Love God, it would be natural. He has provided us with The Holy Spirit to assist us in this walk of loving Him.

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