Inspirational offering: Burning your bridges

When I quit my first job, people (including pastors) adviced me not to burn my bridges but the Lord told me to, so I went ahead and told my employer the truth about their racism and I did not serve any 30 days notice for racists. Of course, burning my bridges meant that it would be hard for me to get a new job when I need reference. I realised that the world has created these systems and surrounded it with “wisdom” to oppress people and using fear to keep them slaves. But the Lord has not given me the spirit of fear. One of my life principles is to tell the truth even if leads me to the grave. So I don’t care whether Christians love or hate me and I don’t care if my friends abandon me. They can chase me from their churches but if all the preachers in the world never told it, you don’t have to guess who would dare to tell it! I’m not here to create friendship with anyone! The Word says the “ The just shall live by faith” not securities!

The purpose of this offering is not to turn people into rebels or idiots who fight people but to encourage people to stand and do what the Word (God) says to free themselves even if their action leads them into hatred and rejection by the people around (security).

After hearing God say I must leave, I burnt my bridges even after the deviled thretened me because I spent 2 years being unemployed, 1 year of applying for jobs and not getting interviews but I sticked  to His voice regardless of all the advices. I kned that my family and friends would reject me as "lazy"or church people as "rebelious"and all I had was God. From the same day I started receiving a flood of calls for interviews and some days I went for three different interviews. I told them the truth at all my interviews, never try to earn points in for what I stand for. I got a job that paid me twice what I received before, and people where shocked how I got the job because I "came from outside, two years experience in a different industry to substitute 5 years+ experienced engineer and everything against their policy including dreadlocks". All I can say is that I believe the Word than people’s wisdom: let God be true and everyman be a liar!

There are all these world wisdom designed to scare you and because you lack faith, you remain a slave and dependant on people and systems that we are called to challenge, destroy or change as Christians. You don’t burn your bridges because you are afraid to lose your friends, relatives, family, support bla blah blah e.t.c. of course you wouldn’t do it because you have no one greater or better close to you. You have no faith!

I heard somebody say “Be nice to people on your way up because you might meet 'em on your way down.” Well, I agree with the first part but the motivation is wrong because I am not designed to fall and even when I trip my security is not people but the God who is taking me up. It’s good to loose people because all you would have is God ! and Jesus said

Matthew 10:34-38 "Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword. (35) 'I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. (36) Your enemies will be right in your own household!' (37) "If you love your father or mother more than you love Me, you are not worthy of being Mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than Me, you are not worthy of being Mine. (38) If you refuse to take up your cross and follow Me, you are not worthy of being Mine.

Those people you loose, would come back to worship you when they see what God has done with and for you after you left them! I know that some of you dont want to burn your bridges because you want to keep going back in case this Jesus thing doesnt work but God is not stupid, He spits out anyone lookwarm with a foot on either side of the bridge (Revelation 3:16).

You are a married man, what are you keep your ex-girlfriend's number for? Burn the bridge! (I said "bridge"!)

If you want to have Christ and still try to be loved by everyone, you can continue fooling yourself with your crew of  congregation at your church but God is only pleased by faith not by size of Christians !

Matthew 8:21-22 Another of His disciples said, "Lord, first let me return home and bury my father." (22) But Jesus told him, "Follow Me now. Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead. "

The disciple’s family must have loved him and kissed him goodbye for his decision…psss!

Genesis 12:1 The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you.

What did you think, Abraham’s family got excited that he is leaving like that? Of course they criticized him but he chose to burn his bridges by following the Lord’s advice.

When we were planning a community outreach for the youth, one of the committee members who had all the contacts and connections to the celebrities and speakers, told me that she had plans to do her nails. I told God that if that's what He called me for, I choose my soldiers and I am not gonna have her in my team, so I sent her a rude email kicking her out …burning my bridges! God came through and we had more celebrities and speakers than we expected, including SABC TV coverage. We should never try to please people in fear of security. We were called to LIVE by faith!

You are kept a slave to sin, old addictions, wrong jobs, boyfriends and girlfriends, friends (you know the people that you are supposed to delete in Facebook but you don’t! I delete every week and if I meet them, I dare to tell them why I deleted them but I wont have nasty FB friends with disgusting pictures and offensive updates that grieve my Spirit, o I can to be loved! I burn them!)

You know that God has been calling you to burn those bridges but the enemy intimidated you with fear but I am a witness that if you let go and Let God, He is faithful and just to give you more than what your securities could. Burn those bridges in Jesus ‘name!

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