The Commonwealth offering: Dominance of Australia, India and Kenya

There are 71 nations participating at the 2010 Commonwealth Games but I see few countries that are dominating certain sports. The number one in the charts, Australians, scooped 12/14 Gold medals in Cycling, Kenyans escape quicker than everyone in long distance tracks, and the hosts, Indians, are currently number two in the charts and are dominating in wres …excuse me let me double check my notes again, oh yes, India is dominating wrestling and shooting…. Ehhh (clearing my throat). Excuse my ignorance, I went to an Indian community school and University in Durban but I have never seen uncles Rajesh and Shahrukh fighting while the anties and some stekies cheer from the balconies in Reservoir Hills  as in these games . Laanies don’t wrestle ek se. The comedian Trevor Noah was wrong ! Guys, watch out for the next Bollywood movie staring Amitabh Bachchan as a sniper villain .
On a serious note, I understand that talent, hard work, prayer etc. contribute to victory but there must be something that makes some countries dominate certain sports and there must be something that makes us expect SA to dominate rugby on the 11th October 2010 at these games in Dehli.

The world competes in business, sports, entertainment, media, science, school, education, politics, technology, community programs e.t.c. As Christians, which areas do we dominate? Wouldn’t it be great to have many Christians who excel in every the areas in the world? Imagine if every time when journalists interview undisputed champions, the champs are always Christians and when reporters ask how the champs do it, the answer always is Php 4:13 KJV “ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” ? Wouldn’t the world desire to know Christ and wouldn’t that be worshiping God? In case we haven’t noticed, people are tired of the preaching, they want to see the works. I enjoy it when people want to join my church or 'religion' because of the way I live (in victory) through Christ. For this reason, I believe, that’s why God bless me more.

Australians dominate all the sports in commonwealth games and you can be sure that other competitors tremble when they come against men and women in yellow and green at the competition. Not because the Ausies are invincible but they have a name to live up to. We bear a name above all names but are we above in anything? We talk the talk, ‘I am above, not beneath, I am a king and priest… bla bla bla’. How absurd that sounds if we don’t walk the walk!

People have expectancy of Excellency and dominance in Aquatics for South Africa. Our dolphins, Roland Schoeman and Gideon Louw, are already meeting the expectancy in 50m Freestyle and they make me feel like I can also swim because I am South African ( even though the only freestyle I know is the  rap one...50m away from the water (God made us land mamals for a reason, you know!). When our associates stand out and achieve, there is power of influence to help us believe in ourselves and even for outsiders to expect something extraordinaire from us. I do not believe that every person of Asian-origin knows karate and kun Fu but I wouldn’t dare to pick a fight even with an old Chinese woman.

There are many Christian champs to motivate us to be overcomers, like Reinhard Bonnke, Bishop T.D Jakes, Loyiso Bala,Tom hanks, kabelo, Tyler Perry, Basetsane, Dikembe Muthombo, Mel Gibson, C.S. Lewis,Carman, MC hammer, Michael W.Smith, Evander Holifield, Bebe and Ce Ce…. I can go on for weeks but if they dont motivate you to be more than conquorers, then try this : Chuck Norris! …Hallelujah!

Sportsmen  understand that they do not just run for themselves but for their country. Kenyans even run together and win together ( no one looses). I have heard of the quote, “you have not for you ask not” but when Pastor Bert Pretorius read the whole scripture, I understood the scripture differently :-

James 4:1-2 ESV What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? (2) You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask.

Instead of us envying, fighting and holding each other down, why don’t we run the race together for the glory of our Lord? What wouldn’t He give us when we ask then?

Nothing can stop us nor separate us from our source of strength (Ps.28:7-8), the Lord, and if He is with us, who can be against us? (therefore there is no competition).

1Jn 5:4 GNB because every child of God is able to defeat the world. And we win the victory over the world by means of our faith.

I enjoy watching the Kenyans in long distance tracks especially the 3000m Steeplechase where there are obstacles like hurdles and deliberate potholes of water on the tracks but Kenyans still dominate from the beginning till the end of the race. No obstacles should be able to stop us, Not even sin or death :

1Co 15:57 NLT But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord has provided us with His own power, Holy Spirit, to be leaders Jdg 3:10 GNB The spirit of the LORD came upon him, and he became Israel's leader. Othniel went to war, and the LORD gave him the victory over the king of Mesopotamia.
We are more than conquerors and have His authentic and unbreakable Word for assurance (Isaiah 55:11). Come on guys, we have our helper and coach (John 14:16,26 Amplified Bible) with us. The time of Satan to rule the earth has come to an end (John 12:35), he has been defeated a while ago. The seed of Eve bruised and disarmed him even of the power of death
 Rev 1:18 NLT "I am the living One. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave."

 Gen 1:26 KJV And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

The Lord's pupose for us is to dominate the earth and Jesus restored the power that Adam that lost (Rom 5:17 NLT For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God's wonderful grace and His gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one Man, Jesus Christ.)  and now we have all power and help to dominate the world!

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