The Accused

Why do bad things happen to good people? For years I could not answer this question. Innocent people are accused daily by their husbands, relatives, bosses, colleagues e.t.c. Religion will quote the Bible and say ‘be submissive’ but the more you try to be submissive, faithful, loving and excellent, the more you are accused. And nobody believes you; they all say there must be something wrong you are doing. I have been getting accused since I was seven when I tried to help a kid (3) after being pushed roughly by some other kid but when the parents came and asked him, ‘who hurt you?’, he pointed me. In school I was suspended monthly until expelled but the parents would never believe that I am innocent. At all my jobs, same thing.

Yesterday, Ps. Vic Mundy was ministering on ‘excellence’ when for the first time, I heard a pastor not only speak about Daniel’s excellence as something that got him promotion but also showing that Daniel’s excellence brought him accusations and punishment. (Daniel 6)

The Lord started ministering to me saying Satan is called ‘ the accuser of the righteous’ (Zec 3:1; Job 1:3, Prov. 15:11 Amplified,). Could it be that I am accused because I am righteous? Joseph (a slave) was excellent but after refusing to sleep with the seductive Potiphar ((the governor)’s wife , she accused him of rape (Gen. 39:7-20) and he spent many years in Jail. Hhhmm? Who would believe your story when you are accused by a celebrity or a ‘man of God’ or a big manager or “a sweet harmless woman” or “parents who love you”. Where do you even start to defend yourself?

My Pastor Muligwe tried to help people by organising financial investors but the very same people accused him of fraud. Pastor Ray is accused of everything. Is it because they are doing something wrong?

I got news for you. If your pastor is not accused, I would doubt if he has any spiritual impact when Satan does not accuse him. Satan accused everyone from Moses to Jesus and Paul. John 15:19 ESV If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

James 4:4 ESV “ …Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”

If the world loves me and I am not accused, I would really start doubting my value in life and the quality of my Christianity.

Now, Could it be that people even hire you expecting you to fail or perform average or keep quite when they commit unfaithfulness at work or be stupid because you are a Chistian, black or a woman but when you surprise them and are excellent, they don’t try to promote you but seek to get rid of you? Could it be that they married you expecting you to be a ‘woman’ who can only cook, bear children or provide sex and see them as ‘superman’ but now you try to do something intelligent or excellent for their benefit but they get insecure and start oppressing you? Isn’t that maybe they are kicking you out of their circle because you are a threat? Remember that it is not them but the accuser.

O yes! It is not that you are a lousy wife or useless employee or lazy son. They tried to make you believe that you are doing something wrong. Paul was accused, so was Peter, John, Stephan, all disciples. This is a sign!!! You are a threat!! Satan sees you for the powerful person you are but you don’t know. Satan would never bother the weak, he let them move freely. He is the accuser of ONLY the righteous. You have a mark or Godliness, you smell, walk and look like someone he tried to accuse and killed, but that man is so powerful that the grave could not hold Him. That’s what I like about us (sons of God), just when you think, we are dead, we get up. Jesus promised ‘John 14:12 NLT "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in Me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

(sometimes I like acting dead in bed over the weekend, and all of a sudden I would do that WWE “Kane” or “Undertakers”’ get up move to frighten the enemy).

Cry no more. Get up and take your position for you are more than a conqueror, nothing can kill you, that’s why you are still alive and strong. Mark 16:17-18 NLT These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in My name, and they will speak in new languages. 18 They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won't hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed."

So I say James 1:2 GNB My friends, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way,

Exercise the power in you in the Name of Jesus!

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