Free Slave women of God

This message is not gonna be a typical ‘women’s day’ message that makes you ‘feel’ good about yourself for one day because everyone is doing it while it still leave you unfulfilled. I want to provoke women by sharing on the unused power of women. I believe in the strength of women more than in men. I was raised by women and I have worked under women in all companies, so I have high view of women.

I’m sorry but I love women, there is just something about them that I can’t explain. Sometimes when I feel bad, I get encouraged by just walking around and seeing women all over the place. I am not talking about lusts or sex and other non-sense that women have been brainwashed to think about us. “Men think about sex every seven seconds”. Non-sense! I spend time with the boys of all cultures and races, there is no one like that! The only time men think about sex when they see women is when women are “selling it”. Otherwise some of us are taken by just the presence, softness of skin, cleanness, gentleness, softness even in speech, well behaved, shape, beauty on the outside and inside. A non-Christian guy once said that he believes a woman is god because she gives life, I kinda believed him.

There is nothing more attractive than a woman of God filled with the love and the beauty of God even when she might have faults like all of us. External beauty is useless without inner beauty. Haven’t you seen that a very beautiful woman acting an evil character on the TV tends to be unattractive?

Anyway, I am filled with the Word that women are gonna rule and take this world into some other level but there is a cost. Back then women, like black people, were oppressed and deprived of knowledge, education and power. Now they are free but like many black people, women are still slaves mentally. Most women work but still send “please call me’s” to the guys. Most women are programmed to believe in a man instead of God for provision. When they dream to get something, they would look for a man to help them get it. This is an inferiority complex issue passed on from slaved women who were not allowed to work . When I read about a viscous woman in Proverbs 31, she had a business and her husband was not intimidated but held her like treasure and he was honoured outside because of her. She was not proud like many would be, but submissive and still cooked.

Most ‘independent’ women think that the kitchen is prison. Well it is true if you are doing it unwillingly. Just like in the case of a job or religious laws. God has not freed us to be unnatural, independent and arrogant. We are born again and free but to be slaves of Christ willingly like Paul (Rom.1:1, Tit 1:1), James (1:1), Jude 1:1 and 2Peter 1:1; just like Jesus Himself. Just like angels, and yes, they have freewill; otherwise Lucifer and his friends wouldn’t have turned against God. When you love God and the Love of God is in you, you cant help but want to serve others. The kitchen is not slavery but serving that you enjoy doing.

The other mentality that women need to renew their minds on is the ‘subject’ mentality. Girls grow up brainwashed about a superhero mr. Right who would come to save her to her dreamland. That guy has no problems of his own he is just there to do stuff for you. No wonder why the enemy has sent so many false angels busy destroying your hearts. I think it’s about time not to be subjects but effective women of God known in parliaments, societies and most importantly in the kingdoms of hell and Heaven. When there is a problem around, the Lord should know that He has Marry and Lerato to count on. I don’t like weak or subject women. I love prayer and faith warriors who tell the devil were to get off; saying ‘before you get to my husband, pastor, child or friend, you gonna have to go through me first’. These women scare me. I know they are there. I don’t like these subject women who compromise their God-given abilities for the sake of marriage or society or men. Subject women a moved all around by the world but the women of God move the world. Subject women are receivers, women of God are givers. Subject women are seeking for a man after God’s heart… Entlik, let me mess with you a little on this one. What kind of non-sense is this? This is another inferiority remedies that women are fed to keep them inferior. You are never taught the love of God, who work on you to be a valuable person that a man would come after but taught to just sit like a subject and hope for a man …Have you ever asked yourself this question : ‘if you were some man, would you marry yourself?’. I want to impress you but before that do you think God would give such a man that He loves to you?

The true gospel fills you with the Spirit of love to give and even when you are not perfect men would be drawn just like with God. At this stage, you would be loving yourself and fulfilled. But satan, the deceiver want you to believe that you cannot be fulfilled but must get a man who would complete you. You are a slave trying to get and keep a man. I have heard the non-sense about ‘my other half’. I don’t know about the other guys but I don’t want a half but a full woman (fulfilled with the Spirit).

Besides, If you don’t love yourself, how would you love people or survive with this man because these guys who love God, love people, like David (read psalms on how he associate, put his life to serve people especially the poor)? Even Jesus reject His family for special attention for the sake of serving the people (Mat.12:46-49). They spend much time with people. My pastor flies from preaching oversees, come back to go to minister in funerals, weddings and conferences in one day because of love for people. Being a wife of such a man is a ministry and would not require a half or a subject but a fulfilled free slave woman of God. A man after God’s heart is a slave who need another slave to dress him, wipe his tears and remind him to eat. This is real love. I think it’s about time that women grow up and stop being impressed by empty messages and pick up lines of ‘I love you’. John 3:16 says God loved the world and gave (sacrificed) His only son… what do you have to give or sacrifice besides your sms airtime or false looks that differ from your heart when you say ‘I love you’?

That’s like companies that sponsor the needy but blow the horn because their motive is to advertise and to cut taxes. For how long would you fall for these things? I hear that women abusers are very romantic and sweet even after their deeds.

I spoke to an elderly woman that told me that had she received the true gospel when she was young, she would have chosen to be a single mother. Some people are still brainwashed that marriage fulfills a woman. God does, a man is like the moon and the Lord is the true source of light, the sun. Blessed are those that hunger for Him for they would find life, fulfillment and everything that is good in life.

Women have a duty to clean up the ‘name’ and value of women. Women need to get into power and destroy all these adverts of naked women… Please don’t get me wrong, it is not that I want to preach this truth, please do not become powerful and destroy strip clubs, my flesh still want to see the thighs of the tight chicks on music videos and movies. My flesh still wants women to be inferior, live to get married and see me as superior so I don’t have to work hard to get one. I’m a cheap guy, I want to be able to afford a life giver like I afford a car by just paying lobola or borrowing my cousin’s BMW. I would like to tell you that you are beautiful, have multitasking ability and even update my facebook status with lovely words. That should be enough to fulfil you. Now, the mistake I made is to love God and find out the truth in His heart and fear Him not to share it, but my flesh hope that you don’t listen or change your thinking, for my brothers and I ‘sake…

When God created everything on earth he kept saying “it is good’ but at some point he said ‘it is not good’ …. that a man be alone (Gen.1&2). Proverbs 18:22 GNB Find a wife and you find a good thing; it shows that the LORD is good to you.

Everything in the world from food, gold, air or material things are produced by the earth for men to use but women are a blessing straight from God. Even Eve was brought to Adam by God (Gen.2:22). How then do women sell themselves cheap? What you don’t understand is that women should not need men. Men should need women. Who has perverted and twisted this truth? Why do women seek love? Men would not help but love their women because these women are more valuable than everything.

The World and the Church is dieing because women don’t know their power and value. They don’t know they have power like God to give life. Men are dying and keep painful things inside because women play inferior while women have the healing power of a touch like Jesus. Change always came with blood and pain, ask Jesus or Mandela. If you want men to respect you, it is not gonna take some bubblegum cheerleader but women who don’t wait for men to do things for them but take things by force! They will clean the streets and offices! They meet in secrete places and pray. They don’t plead with men to stop abusing them because no man in his rightful mind would think of raising a hand on these ones. They cry and are emotional but still are demon-molesters who are discussed in every satan’s meeting. These are free slave women of God !

1 comment:

  1. Wow, wow, wow and wow again. THANK YOU!!!!I am a WOMAN and I could not have said it better myself!!!! I loved that you mentioned our beauty and wonder but acknowledged and allowed for the fact that we are not without fault. I loved that you told it like it is....that only GOD can fulfill us, I am blessed to have been shown this truth...pray for me as I push to live it out(warm man arms are so nice). But seriously, it's not easy to say no to the sweet words then later... 'I thought he meant it he promised to love me forever' LOL. Only God loves forever. Anyway awesome post. And I can proudly say if i were a man I'd have proposed already!!!!! Bless you Oscar!


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