The Uninvited Guests

My lords, this offering has been in me for months to encourage those that feel like they are too dirty to walk the Christian walk. I will also later encourage those wonderful saints who find it hard to help sinners and new born agains who still smell of the world.

In Luke 14:16-24 (read all of it in yo Bible) Jesus gives a story about a master who made a feast (party) and invited many people But 18 they all began making excuses. One said, 'I have just bought a field … 19 Another said, 'I have just bought five pairs of oxen, and I want to try them out. .. 20.., 'I now have a wife, so I can't come.' 21 The master was furious and said, 'Go quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and invite the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.'… 23 So his master said, 'Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full.

Guys, the Lord has a lot to offer but it seems like a lot of Christians are blessed and found what they have been looking for and don’t need (or honor) God anymore. I have this feeling that the Lord is taking the worst of sinners and people who don’t love themselves, so He can bless them. God is calling the crippled people who come from broken dysfunctional families of abuse, alcohol abuse, people who drink, smoke and committed crime, abortion e.t.c. The Lord has been persistent in calling them from the bars and behind bars. These guys are too excited and don’t even believe it because they are too dirty and they would not be able to behave (live) right in the house of the Lord as Christians but the Lord still insist promising them seats in His table.

I am a third generation Christian who walked righteously in the eyes of people but I failed to live up to the expectations of Christians and fell. I lived in the world for years as an unworthy dirty (extremist) sinner but by the grace of God, and the prayers of the saints, He has restored me.

When I was in the world, the other day I was drunk and just committed filthiness with my friend’s girlfriend (to say the least). I was coming back home feeling like “a car is going to run me down, I am the worst sinner, I grew up well but look at me now, I am going to hell and there is no place for me in Heaven, why do I keep doing these things”. But I remember the Lord speaking to me in my state, I tried to hide not understanding how can God speak to me when I am a sinner. They told me that God doesn’t even hear a prayer of a sinner. What freaked me out worse is that He spoke to me as if there is nothing wrong I do and as if I am the holiest person and on top of that, He promised me blessings (of which some of them have already come to pass). God speaks to sinners; God is Omnipresent (everywhere at the same time); He is not limited to space and time; God is in the clubs, hospitals, jail, bars, church and escort agencies (prostitution houses) as we speak and He is inviting dirty people to come and be blessed.

Some false christians condemned you saying you will go to hell for your sins but this Loving God who punished and killed His Son for your sake made Him carry all your sins; not only so that you do not go to hell but also to bless you while you are here. Why do they tell you about hell? They dont know where you were born or have been living. You have been to hell and back and you bear scars physically and emotionally to prove it.

They don’t understand why you shout and scream like mad people without care in church. You are uncivilised in the presence of God like David because were hungry and nobody but He prepared a meal for you with candles, the most expensive wine, shining golden plates, folks and knives, and He pulls back a throne chair for you to seat; before that He took to a warm bath and washed all your dirt with the perfect clean blood of Jesus. Here you are in the house of the Lord, singing choruses’ lyrics wrong but loudly, jump all around like mad dogs, sometimes you curse when speak, sometimes you are tempted to take a sip of booze and a puff of smokes outside BUT still you are not going to let this Jesus of theirs go. You will hang on to Him like a litchi hang on it’s blood source.

When you fall, false Christians judge you but unlike them, your faith is not in your ability to live righteously before men because even God knows you cant (on your own). Your faith is totally on God who enables you and you know that God is working on you. When they say you are not righteous, tell them Galatians 2:16 NLT Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law. And we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we might be made right with God because of our faith in Christ, not because we have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law."

Show them the invitation card. You answered the invitation (believed) and hence you are righteous. The Lord is your Shepard, don’t be afraid that you will still make mistakes because Psalms 37:24 NLT Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.

The One who started the whole thing is right there besides you, He didn’t bring you here to leave you, He paid a high prize for you. When you keep making a mistake (and you will), know that Proverbs 24:16 NLT The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.

You have survived the worst, you are strong and no demon can defeat you. Matthew 16:18 NLT Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build My church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.

Someone may say this verse was for Peter, disciple. This disciple was nothing but a crippled man who denied Jesus with lies, had cursing problems (Mat. 26:74) and was a hypocrite (racist somehow Gal. 2:12) and but Jesus (God) stil moved with Him and used Him (book of Peter, Acts 2 -15). Peter didn’t stop walking because he is not perfect, he repented (Acts 10:34). God doesn’t stop walking with you when u make mistakes He corrects you to repent. He sees you as clean as Jesus because Jesus switched places with you when He died for your sins. God will always see Jesus on you.It is you who feels bad about your sins and you dont want to go to Him. Staying away from sin helps to clear your conscience and walk in confidence. when we renew our minds (repent by seeking God ), we stay away from sin unaware without effort.

Guys, God knew how you are when He called you and when you get born again, He doesn’t immediately take you to Heaven but instead, He leaves you here and still able to sin. He didn’t leave you here to sin, He hates sin. Look up to Him and continue to answer when He calls, He has a plan for you and He will work on you in His ways but do not go back to that dirty life because you are thinking God left you (He said He will never leave you nor forsake you). Don’t reject these chances of grace by not answering the invitation.

God blessed you.

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