I was avoiding traffic when I decided to take an unfamiliar route from work to church and I tried to us the GPS navigator for help. I then got stuck in some other traffic but suddenly I saw a Taxi moving from the same traffic and taking another route. I did not know where the taxi was going but I believed that taxis know better routes and I decided to follow it. As I was making turns where the taxi did, the voice of this woman in the navigator kept telling me to turn in different directions but I ignored it and followed the taxi. The taxi took me to my destination and helped me avoid traffic.

Similarly, my friends, God knows better and it will take you faith to believe that the God would lead you in the right direction when other people and situations tell you something different. When you follow the Lord, there are always other voices of expects like friends, family, adverts, magazines, TV talk shows, some funny e-mails that instruct you to do this and that to receive this and that, non-sense!! these emails are packaged very well like the word of God and some even use scriptures and some pictures of ‘Jesus’ but they all deceit not from God. As humans, we all seek direction and people can be so desperate that they would even believe in an Octopus ( what on earth…?).

You have heard many people say ‘ the Lord said this, the Lord said that’ but you wonder how does the Lord speak, ‘He never speak to me!!?’. The Lord speaks with everyone, good and evil, the Lord even speak to Satan (Job 1:7) . There is no requirement for God to be able to speak to you. He is God, the sovereign creator, He doesn’t need permission .

Job 33:14-16 NLT For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. 15 He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds. 16 He whispers in their ears and terrifies them with warnings.

I heard and believe that God has many ways of speaking (communicating) like through visions, dreams, nature, events, people, the Word, and directly through the soft gentle voice.

Personally, I remember only once when the Lord spoke to me supernaturally through a dream-vision. He sent a messenger who had a face like Pastor Mosa Sono’s but was an angel reading a message warning me not to go to a certain place that I have not even seen then. Later, I saw the place but went in and even today I am still suffering from the effect of that place.

However 99.8% of the time God speaks to me directly as a thought which always come with peace, it is soft and easy to ignore. It’s a thought just like any other thought like when you are hungry, a thought of going to the fridge or going to Chicken Licken. But the thought becomes more evident that it is God because of the results that you get if you obey it. God always speaks to you before you make a decision, good or bad whether you are a Christian or not. The only difference is that when you are born-again, you recognise Him ( His sheep know His voice). When you are not born again, your spirit is dead to hear from the Spirit, hence you would ignore His voice easily.

I have millions of testimonies of God speaking to me as a thought and I acted on it. It has become natural to me.
 Last week I got a quote to install my car mirror from the dealer at R3000. But in the morning when I was supposed to take my car to the dealer, the Lord told me to go to some parts store and only to find the same exact mirror for about R300 and I installed it in 5 minutes myself instead of paying R500 of labour at the dealer (the experts).

 I shared my testimony when I quit my job after hearing from the Lord. The devil reminded me of how I suffered almost 2 years with no job and how I have been applying for more than a year and nobody calls me for an interview. The experts (pastors, legal advisors, elders e.t.c.) told me that I have to get another job before I leave. I thought maybe I am acting on my feelings but each time I prayed God told me to leave. I chose to listen to God. The next day I received about 4 calls of interviews, and some more the whole week. I went to about 2 or three interviews a day. Some wanted to pay me 3 moths salary before I start but again I knelt down for God to tell me which one to take.

 I come back home late very tired in winter and when I get into bed, He tells me to grab the blanket and directed me to a place where I found someone waiting for it and I gave him.

 God told me to take all my money and buy some orphans clothes and my bank balance was R-0.98. The following days I tried to use a credit card when He said I must take my debit card and insert it in the ATM because there is money. There was R5000.00.

 God has also said some crazy things which seemed evil like leaving a friend whom I thought needed help and I bashed her with the Word to fight for herself instead but she came to me a year later, worshiping the Lord and how ‘my’ Word helped her. She stopped kicked all pity party friends and she took things by force in the name of Jesus. She businesses now by force.

 Another crazy thing is when I woke up, took a bath to go to church but He said I mustn’t go but clean the house instead. I thought it was not good but He says to me who defines what is good or wrong, who is a judge?

 He tells me to go to Bible school, for what? I’m not a pastor, I’m dj!! But in all instances because I recognise the voice, I believe that He knows better than me although it doesn’t make sense.

 God took me to an unsafe area late at night and I saw hungry people living in the streets but for the first time He did not tell me to do something about it and it ate me as I waited to hear some of those ideas and strategies that He usually gives me. So, I did Zero. Only a year later, I remembered that place because a friend took me there as an assistant to her ministry of feeding the poor. So you have to be careful not to do things because they are ‘good’ while God did not tell you to. God refused David to build a temple for Him. Guys, I am not a religious person, I don’t go to the Bible to find out laws about what is good so I can try to do them, if God does not tell me to do them, I don’t.

 One day when they were troubling me at work, I knelt down and I was ready to leave like before but He said ‘you are going nowhere’. I didn’t and the situation did not stop but I stayed.

 Guys, u cannot ‘memorize’ God. In II Kings 1:10, God came as fire for Elijah but II Kings 19:20 there was fire but He was not in it. There are no fixed methods but principles. Many times when I am meditating or praying while taking a bath, God answers immediately; like the other time I prayed about the young girl I met while in the world but she was ‘born-again’. I prayed to keep her since now I am also born again. An sms came from a friend instantly, I think, saying ‘ I have rejected him (king Saul), for how long would you moan for him..” Many times I got answers immediately when taking a bath but I can go around telling people to take baths to hear from God. God moves and changes methods with time and places but His heart (intentions remain the same as in the Bible) is constant. If you want methods or ‘10 steps to a successful what what… good luck!

In Luke 5 Peter and friends fished all night but caught nothing but when the Lord Jesus came and instructed them to where to throw the nets, they caught too much Fish. Just do it if the Lord say, it doesn’t matter what people say.

Many barren women in my church received babies because they believed and bought baby stuff before they where even pregnant, all because the Lord said so.

Jesus (the mediator) died for nothing more than to bring us directly to (communicate with) the father without mediators (experts). Why praise the moon when the light comes from the Sun.? That’s why you end up dependant on pastors and many get abused in the process (My people die for lacking knowledge). I have seen posters in Hillbrow of ‘prophets’ whom you pay to hear the non-sense. Guys, go directly to the source and here is how :- CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT TO HEAR . What you get in is what you get out! First be born again and spend time slowly with God (feed with the Word, pray e.t.c). Seek the Lord like a hungry Lion. Have quite times. Don’t listen to other experts garbage from TV and stuff. At the stage where I am, I only started watching TV 3 months ago, but only TBN and sports, I don’t watch any other useless garbage for about a year now. I DON’T HAVE ANY OTHER VOICES BUT THE LORD’S!!!

Guys, the Lord gave us His Holy Spirit whom is with us forever, He is our adviser and is not here to judge or condemn us. He speaks to everyone and no one is chosen to be a mediator, Jesus was the last Old Testament prophet and High Priest. Now we go directly to the good Lord. If you don’t think God speaks to sinners, how do they get saved???? Don’t listen to all these overnight quick fixes. Listen to Him and you will succeed in life.

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