My lords I was reading the story we all know about Sadrach Meshach and Abednego. I learnt the truth that these boys did not go into the fire because God will rescure them. IT JUST DID NOT MATTER WHETHER HE DID OR NOT…

Daniel 3:16-17 NLT Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the GOD WHOM WE SERVE IS ABLE TO SAVE US. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty
VERSE18 BUT EVEN IF HE DOESN'T, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up."

Whaaat? Why they never preach these things? These boys never asked God to deliver them or for wisdom or strength to overcome. They just did not care whether God delivers them or not , it is not gonna change their love, believe or standing with God. Yo, this is biltong (hard meat)!

I wont even go to Job because my heard may explode… The purpose of this offering is to encourage you not to give an enemy a chance to destroy you because your eyes are not fixed on God but things.

It’s ok for young believers who stil need to be carried and helped in the foundation but for the rest of you grown folks, yo’ll know that God is not here to provide us with things where if He doesn’t then there is no God or He doesn’t love you. People in the world ask, 'if there is God why is there poverty, rapes, killing and all evil?'

They look at the environments and situations to reason and draw conclusions, just like when disciples asked who sinned when someone is born blind. John 9:3 NLT "It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins," Jesus answered. "This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.

True believers never debate about the situation but see the good God in any situation.

The truth is that sometimes God doesn’t change the uncomfortable situation. Don’t act like you haven’t met a situation which you asked God for help, and you know He can but He just sits and watch as you get fried. This will test your if faith it on God or on His hand (the good things). Which of you want to be loved for what they give (money, help, gifts, work, pleasuree.t.c.) and not loved the day you dont have?

David, the man after God’s heart, fasted prayed for his sick baby but then the baby died and then He… 2 Samuel 12:20 NLT Then David got up from the ground, washed himself, put on lotions, and changed his clothes. HE WENT TO THE TABERNACLE AND WORSHIPED THE LORD. After that, he returned to the palace and was served food and ate.

We need to grow up to a level where though everything is going wrong, we worship God for who He is. This will never make sense to non-believers or young ones and that’s why I said it is Biltong. John the Baptist was beheaded for fun and Stephan was stoned to death but God is good.

After many years in faith, My grandma learnt that there is only one answer for everything. It doesn’t matter whether someone got a new job, gets married, dies, get arrested or sick, She always say : “God is good, give thanx and praise to God”. I recently called her and she was upset about the soccer results but her answer is still “God is good, give thanx and praise to God”. Hallelujah!

Paul and Silas were directed by God to go preach in Macedonia but they were arrested, beaten naked and thrown to Jail for freeing a possessed girl (Acts 16). The funny part is that they never prayed for help or God to destroy their enemies, these guys start to praise and worship. Somehow I believe they did not do it to be released like some Christians read and start worshiping when they are in trouble. I believe they worshiped because they are worshippers, whether they in a castle or prison it makes no difference to true worshipers. True believers are not subjective to environments, conditions or situations just like their Father God who is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. Yesterday, there was no Satan, earth, sin today there is but that does not change God and His principles.

God is too good (loving) and most of the time He rescues us anyway, but We need children of God who would say, ‘whether He ever or never

1. Pay my school fees this year

2. give me my dream car as I expect

3. allow the symptoms of my body to disappear

4. give me a husband I dreamt off

5. give me a job I want

I will still believe Him for it, worship and love Him. Nothing is worth more than His presence and when I think that I have access to speak to Him, I don’t need anything else. Take everything else and give me Jesus! People wonder why Satan is not destroyed (punished) even when he is messing up God’s kids and creation. Well, Satan is already punished. There is no greater punishment than not having connection (fellowship) with God. But as for us, it doesn’t matter how much we sin, we have 24/7 access to Almighty’s glorious presense and He hears us.
I DON’T CARE WHETHER HE EVER OR NEVER DO ANYTHING I WANT, my biggest price is Salvation and I will worship Him for that if it is the only thing I have left.

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