Many people like me don’t take USA seriously when it comes to soccer. As a South African, I only watched their game because USA got a player named Jozy hoping it has connection with Jozi (Johannesburg).( they also have London, Troy and Cameron…hhhm?? I’m gonna name my children Limpopo and Hong Kong and then relocate to the USA, my kids will be stars).

After watching the last minutes of the game, USA vs. Algeria, I was impressed by USA fighting spirit and traced their soccer history which is very good ( 6 World cups (WC), hosted 1994 WC, reached quarter finals in 2002 WC and now ranking no 14 in the world).

I did not even watch the full game between thinking that Algeria wont make it to the next round anyway. Somehow I tuned in the last seconds of the game expecting to get highlights. THE TIME WAS UP (injury time) and the Americans are supposed to head to OR Tambo Airport with the disappointed Bill Clinton.

I was surprised because for some reason, these furious Americans were still playing like the match has just started, giving it their all. They just looked like fish caught up in the nets fighting and believing they could break the net. Shame bandla!

Though their history with the Black Stars (Ghana) shows defeat, I would not be surprised if USA beat Ghana, because these boys don’t take no for an answer.

Guys, there is time for grace like when SA did not qualify to be in the World cup but the Lord qualified them (by default) and gave them the highest position of hosting (owning) it. (reserve tickets for them, change rules to suite their noisy Vuvuzelas). BUT THERE IS ALSO TIME TO BE WARRIORS LIKE USA TO FIGHT TO GET WHAT YOU DON’T DESERVE AND NOT TO TAKE A NO FOR AN ANSWER. Guys I think that Americans are not were they are as a nation because they were luckyor money  but I see their Spirit in their soccer players that they are hard workers and fighters. I believe this please God because without faith it’s impossible to please God.

There are levels of faiths. There is faith where you continue believing when people laugh at you and when they say you cant make it AND there is this USA kind of faith, when time is up and there is a proof that you already failed BUT YOU KEEP BELIEVING.

Yesterday I was listening to Bishop TD Jakes tape on ‘maximising the moment’ when he spoke about how he continued preaching when he did not know what he’s gonna eat afterwards, he owned one suite which was being washed by his wife, the electricity was cut out and they sleeping in the dark BUT he persisted.

Just yesterday I called computicket to buy tickets at 5:30pm and they refered me to the next Checkers Hyper that closes at 6 pm, so I rushed there only to arrive in the area at around 6:30pm but the Same Spirit was in me and I prayed saying that I command the store to be opened just for me even though they told me they would be closed. When I arrived, the store was opened and they had operating hours at the entrance and indeed they close at 6pm and now it’s approaching 7pm.

I once booked a Greyhound bus from Pretoria (8 am) to Durban. My cousin was to drive me from Attreacille to Pretoria in the morning but I overslept (what’s new?). I arrived in Pretoria at 8:30 am because of traffic (*wink*, hey, they did not state that it’s not African time haau?). The Greyhound people told me that the bus has left and it will stop in Johannesburg (JHB) at 10 am and leave around 10:15 or so. I told my cousin to drive me to JHB and yo!, the traffic. We were still in Midrand when the time hits 10am mark and my cousin started telling me that we neen to offramp and go back, time is up! For some reason, I something told me to practice my faith, I told him that we will find the bus and we must continue driving to JHB. He told me that I am being ridiculous when I persisted even after 11 am and we are no way close to JHB. But even a thought came to me that this is now denial not faith, ‘the clock has ticked a while ago bra wasup’? but I still believed until we reached JHB (park station) and I stepped into the Greyhound counter. Still believing, I asked them about the bus and they said that, they don’t know what is happening, this has never happened before with their Buses but the bus has not yet arrived. I know very well that we did not pass the Bus along the way (N1) but I moved proud to my cousin to thank him for a lift. He was shocked and I was acting like I am used to this.

Guys, many times it happens that time closes on us and we are disqualified or not chosen but we have been given faith and persistence (‘inkani’, stubbornness) to get what we MUST have.

Jacob was not chosen to be blessed by God (His brother Esau was) BUT Jacob fought an angel to be blessed Genesis 32:24-28 NLT This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a Man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break. 25 When the Man saw that He would not win the match, He touched Jacob's hip and wrenched it out of its socket. 26 Then the Man said, "Let Me go, for the dawn is breaking!" But Jacob said, "I will not let You go unless You bless me." 27 "What is your name?" the Man asked. He replied, "Jacob." 28 "Your name will no longer be Jacob," the Man told him. "From now on you will be called Israel, because you have fought with God and with men and have won."

Today we have Israelites (Jews) and Jesus descending from Jacob’s persistence. While Others blame others and each other for their failures, the persistant USA, like Jacob,  dont want to be handed anything (charity), they sweat, bleed, break and take by force! It is these kind of people that are able  to preserve blessings (wealth) unlike the ones who live in fantasies and believe things happen overnight and must be given freely.

Abraham and Sarah’s clocks had clocked. It took persistence to continue believing they could still have a child. This story happened in real life, people!!!

Most of the time, the things that we are believing for, don’t come at the time we are expecting. TO US, they come LATE and I believe that sometimes some things are just not meant to come. When your blessing is taking too long, you would definitely need hope BUT when they tell you time is OVER or you don’t qualify, I believe you would need PERSISTENCE.

When the doctor say there is nothing we can do, when they say, we have closed, you should have done this or that when you had time, you are too old, you don’t have it anymore, you cant afford it, or the results come written failed or HIV positive… YOU would need persistence. Persistence is not denial. To me, persistence is when something in your Spirit (God = the originator) say something different from the results you are seeing in the physical and you choose to believe (act on it) and I think denial is when someone choose to believe different because they don’t like (uncomfortable with) what the results (their mind, flesh = originator).

Ephesians 6:13 GNB So put on God's armor now! Then when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist the enemy's attacks; and after fighting to the end, you will still hold your ground. = PERSISTENCE.

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