I  watched the Ivory Coast vs Brazil world cup soccer match when the mighty Brazillians won 3 – 1. Brazil has a highest record of  brilliance and fatal beatings in soccer. What impressed me the most was that the more Brazil (no.1 in FIFA rankings) scored goals, the more Ivory Coast (no.27) fought to pressurize them back. I was amazed at Ivory Coast Spirit, thinking, ‘aren’t they supposed to be discouraged like Bafana Bafana?’ aren’t they supposed to be intimidated by football stars like Kaka, Fabiano, Lucio and Robinho? Werent they supposed to start being ashamed of the loss in front of billions of watching fans? Even after the Brazillian scored a goal using hands twice, Ivory Coast never jumped around screaming at the referee to do something. Even Ivory's Drogba who is previously known for diving (cheating), he doesn’t even cry in their dying moments. No, not these fighting Coasters, they had an attitude saying ‘ you (Brazil) may win the game but it’s gonna cost you’.

What amazed me is when the Brazillians, even though they were leading in goals, they started being shaken (fear), wasting time, diving (I even thought that if Hollywood were watching, they would get a lot of actors), my favorite player, Kaka, was so frustrated that he started fights and got a red card (the cost).

My opinion is that Brazil will think twice next time they come against the underdogs, Ivory Coast.

My lords, even though Satan has a record of destroying (outwardly) people (even strong Christians), we must fight back that he must think twice when he comes against us. We know the truth now, the Bible is a book of war. God is a God of War. We are His Children (Just like Him).

I don’t know much about demonology or spiritual wars or whatever but I am not gonna run around looking for prayers or falling (diving around) for people to feel sorry for me when I am attacked. I won’t even call on God (the referee) to change the situation, I will fight through the Spirit of Christ in me ( the Spirit of Jesus that defeated Satan).

Few weeks back I was sleeping when I opened my eyes to see some funny looking creature flying around in my room. I did not have 1 % of fear and me being me, I made fun of it saying that I don’t know how it made it through my angels, so it must be tough nyana but now it will face the child of God and it fled. I slept right away; I did not call any pastor or Christian for prayers. I am tired of this Satan who has been attacking me from childhood. The second day that ugly face thing came back attacking me and just when I was about to call ‘In the name of Jesus’, a thought came to me that that’s propaganda, the Spirit of God lives in me, I have to fight even if I have never encountered such funny things before, I stood in faith and went towards it, wrestled it, bind it and said this told it that I am sending it to Kalahari. Then I slept like a baby a second later .That was the last time I encountered such a thing. It’s not that I am tough but I am just tired!

Guys, I have not received any training or heard about what to do in the spiritual realm, all I believe is what the Bible say and I live to see it being fulfilled in my life; not to hear about it. I want a personal relationship with God, not hear about Him from someone.
Waiting in cues for counseling or deliverance is a waste of my time, the Spirit is in me and is much bigger and I fear nobody no matter how mighty they look!

The Lord has grown my faith to believe in the impossible. My friends know that I don’t want to do easy things, I don’t want any holiday or wealth or big house, all I want is God to ordain me to do something that is said no one can do it or it is impossible.

I’m not impressed by old Christians testimonies of ‘God gave me a car, house, job and husband’. If God is as big as we claim, why must He do things which even us can do on our own? You are boring God, He is too big to do the possible. We must do things that everyone must be sure that it can only be a God.

Daniel 2:47 NLT The king (Nebuchadnezzar) said to Daniel, "Truly, your God is the greatest of gods, the Lord over kings, a revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this secret."

I don’t know why people still cry to Jesus for help while He has fought His fight and has given us His power, the Holy Spirit. As for me, I get the point why Bible say He is SITTING on the right hand of the father (and all He can do for us is to intercede). Meanwhile, this evil one wont stop attacking us, so it’s your choice to fight or cry. As for me I wont even wait until I am perfect (not able to sin), I will believe the Word that says I am righteous (perfect) like Jesus through His blood, and I will fight that when the enemy thinks of coming against me, he would know that it will cost him something. I am not a doormat!!!
I encourage those who are even previously known for being weak to surprise the enemy and stand in your faith to fight this time, oppose situations by standing in the Word!

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