I was driving to work when the robot (traffic lights) went red ahead of me and there were about 5 cars infront of me. I then saw a beggar begging for money from car to car coming towards me. I felt in my spirit that I should give him a R10 note. So I took the R10 and waited patiently for him as he was still begging for 50 cents (even using sign language) from other cars. NON OF THEM GAVE HIM A CENT. I was surprised when he got to the car in front of me, HE JUST LOOKED AT ME AND WENT ASIDE (AWAY).The cars infront of mine were expensive fancy cars unlike my Opel Corsa.

Guys, When we are in need, we rush to friends, family or specialists but Only God can help you and bless you much higher than you can ever ask for but the concept of God might look like it’s for weak or stupid people.
Similarly God has placed certain people (and places) to help you achieve your goals and they may not be what you ever expected (or like) but unfortunately they are the only ones God predestined to help you and no one else will. It doesn’t matter if Christians misrepresented God but the only way to God is through Jesus.
When I came to Jozi looking for a church, I went to a predominantly black church in Soweto but the Lord has been telling me to go to a previously predominantly white church. Initially I persisted in my ways because I enjoy the worship and culture. I did not like the ‘white’ church because I never thought white people can really have God…plus they sing ‘hillsongs’ that I doubted if God likes because “they sing in one voice (tune, party) and no dancing”. Since no one can against God, I ended up there because and believe me; I fit in that church like a key fits in a lock. The things God speaks to me during the week, He confirms them on Sunday and other days when I am there. I have more visions. The people are so much like me. Today I’m the one singing “Shout to the Lord all the earth nah nah nah, power and majesty praise ... the king, nah nah nah nah” ( hey, I swear I know the lyrics and no I don’t look at the lyrics screen all the time… LOL!…. Them lyrics too long, I’m used to one liners but I’m loving it!) . My first gospel CD’s are Hillsongs…..

Israel’s only way to make it to the promised land (via Jericho) was through the prostitute Rahab ( Joshua 2 and 6, James 2:25). Now, let’s look at Jesus lineage (ancestors) in Matthew 1:5-6 NLT Salmon was the father of Boaz (whose mother was Rahab). Boaz was the father of Obed (whose mother was Ruth). Obed was the father of Jesse. 6 Jesse was the father of King David…
. whaaaaat???? Jesus’ ancestor (David’s great grandmother) was a prostitute? Couldn’t God use somebody else, come on, we are talking about Jesus, the Holy One here!

  • Respect people because you don’t know their value tomorrow. 

  •  Satan is a deceiver, created as an angel and guess what, he knows how to appear as an angel. Be careful ( this is for me mostly).

  • God’s ways are not our ways and He can not change things to suite your liking, He is a sovereign God. We have many plans but only God’s purpose prevail (Prov. 19:21).

  • God choose the foolish and use foolish ways like preaching to give eternal live and salvation. (1 Cor. 1:20+)

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