It’s not yours, it’s God’s

Do you remember back when you were young, there were kids who would snatch something from you  (like, say a pen) and when you cry, ‘give me back my thing’ and then they would reply, ‘It’s not yours, it’s God’s’? Some would even go to an extend of spanking the girls’ behinds and when the girl angrily ask ‘why are you touching my behind?’ the answer would be, “It’s not yours, it’s God’s”. I still know people who do this, I’m not gonna mention their names.

Though their action (application) is wrong, but unfortunately their statement is true. Everything in the world is God’s.

Deuteronomy 10:14 GNB To the LORD belong even the highest heavens; the earth is his also, and everything on it.
The context of this offering is about us acknowledging that Satan did not create anything and that we, as children (heirs) of God, must not limit ourselves in certain things in the world because, we have been brainwashed that they are satanic just because satan use them. Entlik, he doesn’t even use them, he is not allowed to, everything in the world has been given to humans (Psalms 115:16 GNB.) Satan deceives humans to use God’s things for evil purposes. But at the end of the day everything is the Lord’s.

People even look at the snakes, rats, ravens, owls, cats e.t.c. as if they are evil because they saw ‘Dr evil’ holding a cat in Austin powers movies. We hear stories about Satanists who use these animals and now all of a sudden they must be evil. Hooohhohh,the X-files! non-sense!!! Genesis 1:25 NLT God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to produce offspring of the same kind. AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.

If God says these animals are good, who are you to say they are evil? Since when do they belong to satan?

You know what? I even see God using them :-

Exodus 4:3 NLT "Throw it down on the ground," the LORD told him. So Moses threw down the staff, and it turned into a snake! Moses jumped back.

Numbers 21:8 NLT Then the LORD told him, "Make a replica of a poisonous snake and attach it to a pole. All who are bitten will live if they simply look at it!"

1 Kings 17:2-6 NLT Then the LORD said to Elijah, 3 "Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook, near where it enters the Jordan River. 4 Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring you food." 6 The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook.
Matthew 10:16 ESV "Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

What???? snakes are wise and we must be like them??? how can the Lord tell us to be like satanic creatures? Religion will make you be proud of being ‘doves’ but never want you to be wise like snakes. That’s why these wolves are ruling the world and they even use the Bible to tranquilize you, remove all your venom that the Lord has given you to overcome the world.

Jesus is a perfect example of the dove and snake attributes. No one could silence this guy, He never tried to impress anyone, He called a stone, a stone. He would call you a dog when you are a woman and even satan when you are a friend straight out! He turned tables and kicked behinds, He called religious people vipers in their eyes and called the king, a fox!. But still He gave His life like a lamb and was harrased like a useless animal without resisting . Snake and dove!

I was very angry when I heard that TV was first introduced to the church but they said it was satanic, and even the computer was called the beast. Today, satan use these things to spread his evil and we could have used these things to build the Lord’s world but we are not snakes enough!!

You can not manipulate me and tell me what to eat and not to eat. I eat everything because everything in the world is not yours, it's the Lord’s. I eat at all restaurants. I don’t care whether Satanists cooked or cast a spell on them, I don’t give a rat. I eat!! If they had powers to harm us they would have already. Tell your non-sense to the kids. The Lord is in charge and everything in the world is His and is good! Man, I cant wait for that day. It’s taking too long, I’m tired of the non-sense we are being taught!

Jesus died so that we can be restored back into power of being in charge of the world as designed in Genesis 1:26. Religion still manipulate people’s feelings by giving them laws and prohibiting them from things, therefore Jesus died for nothing because religion creates cowards who can never rule the world because religion defines the world as something that belongs to satan. In this way satan stil rules the world even though Jesus has disarmed him and gave back the power to us (humans) after Adam lost it.

Revelation 1:17-18 NLT When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as if I were dead. But He laid His right hand on me and said, "Don't be afraid! I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the living One. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave.

Christians are still walking weak and afraid to go to hell if they sin but Christ has taken away the keys (the Law) of sin and death and we are now made righteous only by faith, not by obeying the law. Romans 8:2 ESV For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.

As for me, there is no law and I avail myself to be used by God in changing the world. I will not have the world tell me how to live or restrict me into their norms,cultures or boxes, I am who Christ called me to be and no one will stop me.

Remember that satan is a deceiver, liar and murderer. We tend to expect satan in these stories of rapists, murderers or flesh, or in people wearing black or rock bands e.t.c. but we don’t understand that a deceiver would be operating in the church. Jesus never warned us about satanists but wolves.The opposition of Christ wasn’t the world but the ‘church’. We were warned about false prophets and wolves that would come in His name. When I open TBN I can tell the real from the fake. Guys, study the Bible, pray at all times, take even these offerings and investigate them with the word. Don’t just take anything. Satan comes as an angel of light , he is a deceiver who wants to destroy your purpose. He tried to deceive Jesus using scriptures.He doesn't oppose us (because he cant) but rather twist our way or mislead us while we think we are following God.They want you to live focused on the coming of the Lord instead of living a fulfilled life as Jesus died for. He did not die to take you to Heaven, wake up!! They  suck you dry in the meantime by manipulating your emotions. They are wolves, be wise like snakes!

To me, religion is a satanic power used to control people, making them useless and ineffective in the world. but as for me I fear that the master, owner of the world, has created me with special abilities to rule the world and I will not allow religion or the law to prevent me from fulfilling my purpose. I fear only the Lord, who would require results of the talents He gave me. Read Mat. 25: 15+ and Luke 13:6-9

I believe that God is not upset by sin more that He is upset by people who are not productive. Religion make us unproductive and makes sure we ‘feel’ ok when we believe we are not sinners. Didn’t Jesus live and eat  with Judas, Peter, Tomas and other sinners? What makes you think He is intimidated by sin? He was interested in building them to be productive. Today we have a church because of Peter, who even still sinned (apartheid) during His ministry but He still pressed on knowing that, building the Lord’s world is more important than the law. I will go deep on this next time.

A friend sent me an email showing all these musicians that are said to be Satanists. I don’t give a rat if they choose to be used by satan but the fact is that music belongs to God !! guess what? If Christians were to take over all the music styles and be the best, we would not have to listen to the crap out there. But we are good to criticize but even some of our gospel rappers are like the rejects of the world. I know we can do this, we are the best and we must believe and act like it. I hate some gospel music video’s, too unprofessional and not creative, it’s usually some people dressed like Arabs (Jews) in the desert, or someone walking around the trees, dancing in one place and very cheap videos shot by Nokia cellphone. Come on guys! If we are who we claim to be, we are supposed to set new higher standards that the world would want to be Christian. I like Alicia Keys video’s, so clean, nice sounds, superb voice, everything top quality. We can not be making naked women video’s and other silly things to beat the world. We are supposed to live for the world to wish. We even have the Holy Spirit to anoint our work but we are lazy to work and are cowards to get up but are very good in criticizing.

When I was in varsity, the SRC and Student residence committees used our funds to entertain students with what they know, bashes with kwaito and house music artists. I loved Hip Hop but I was paying for others to enjoy. I then started a Hip Hop movement with my friends and we made our own bashes and SRC refused to give us a budget. Our first show was ‘Women Appreciation nite’ of R30 (US $ 4.5) budget but we hustled to get superb venue, advertise, got cameras and the venue was packed to capacity. No alcohol or drugs but pure art of Hip Hop ( not the propaganda stuff you see on TV). SRC had their own high budget bash on the same day but they wanted us to shut down because all people came to our joint and we refused (coz we were snake enough) !

People are doing worldly things because there is nothing better! But as soon as Christians present quality, people would leave the world. Those born of God must overcome the world. Stop telling people to stop doing stuff, lead them!!!

Tell your satanic gospel to someone else, I am a child of the owner of the world and you can examine the ‘blood’ sample to test that. No one will pollute my fathers properties in my presence.

You must walk in authority like Christ! We must disarm the devil of everything he is using in the world. Our spiritual realm force is much bigger than theirs and greater is He in us than the one in the world. We can not continue to be shaken by mickey mouse gospel , we need real food. We don’t have to ask or be polite about it, we must take over the TV, newspapers, government, all music, all industries and if Satan ask ‘why are you taking my things’ just say “It’s not yours, It’s the Lord’s”

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