A friend told me that her mother backslided after over 10 years in church being faithful and stuff. 10 years???? Come on now guys, SERIOUSLY!!, you got to LET GO and Let God .

When an employee joints a company, they arrive at work early, work for full 8 hours, dress appropriately,smile at everyone, very obedient and willing to learn (meek), you can step on them and they would say sorry to you. But in due time, they burn out!!  everything change and the true colors come out. That’s just in our nature and we do it even when we meet new people (partners) but the biggest mistake is when we try to do it with the all knowing God. And the Lord is very funny coz He let you try and do things in your way and strength; It is very deceitful that you would think that you are making it before you fall and especially if you hold longer. God let you do it until you fail and come to Him for help. This offering is just to encourage ‘trusting in God’ for those who have been failing and to advice those who haven’t failed (but have no fruits) to LET GO and Let God do His thing. You can not run God’s life by human efforts, you will burn out!!

We didn’t even start this salvation thing, so why are we trying to run it? Galatians 3:3 NLT  How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?

I believe that our biggest problem why we don’t live in victory and success is that we don’t trust in God. We completely rule God off and believe that the results are brought about by our action before we are healed, by a seed before financial blessing, we believe that we must live right for God to give us good husbands or wives, as a result we are busy serving in the church, trying to give to the poor, forgiving our enemies, trying to be excellent at work, trying to be obedient to the husband, loving the wives, obeying the parents e.t.c but still… no results. It’s time to LET GO and Let God do everything for you. SERIOUSLY, How can you love your enemy?  Guys, don’t think it is easy for me? The Lord has been offending me for years, proving my knowledge of Him to be useless. You can not love your enemy. Let God love you and He, in you, would love the enemy.

I remember one night when I woke up in the middle of the night and started praying for someone who tried to destroy my life, I even prayed for their family. .  I still don’t understand
how I did it coz honestly, I wouldn’t, especially in midnight, no ways! Guys, I am being real to you. I have seen a lot of things God doing that I cant. The other time He made me tip a parking attendant (who did nothing) with a R100, Some Russian corn artist woman owed me a lot of money and I love proving to people that they can never win against me but the Lord made me bless her and let go. Come on now, SERIOUSLY! Mustn’t I give or forgive, at least those who would appreciate? She actually thought I am stupid ( like the other Africans she has been taking advantage of), why wouldn’t God let me show her how smart I am? Same thing when some guy crashed my car at the GM service station and I had absolutely zero worries. When the GM manager called me into the office I said it’s just a car and it was a mistake, I forgave them and later they treated me like I am just stupid. What made me realized that they is something not natural is when I heard other clients sitting outside  saying to each other ‘ and He is not even worried at all’. It clicked to me later that I was supposed to be angry and stuff but I don’t know what Happened. All I remember is a feeling calmness and the same spirit I feel when I write the offerings would be speaking to me in all acts above. On my own, SERIOUSLY! clap me on my left, the only time you see my right is when I am ‘gooing’ (throwing) my right fist, I’m not playing dog.
To me, it’s an eye for and eye and a nose, SERIOUSLY!,But when the Lord’s spirit come over me, I am overpowered and just LET GO and Let God be. 

Some people would take an effort to try and love their enemies because the Bible say so…psss, WORKS! Let the Spirit do it, you don’t have to try to do them like a law.

The church is not blessed but many sinners in the world would inherit all the benefits because they admit they are unable and they need Jesus to do it for them because they cant do it. The church believes in the law because it satisfy their feelings, they feel right and believe they are right with God, they don’t believe that God we are saved by only faith.

Galatians 2:19-21 NLT For when I tried to keep the law, it condemned me. So I died to the law—I stopped trying to meet all its requirements—so that I might live for God.  20  My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.  21  I
do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die.

Many know this scripture but Jesus is just sitting in them and not living for them and nothing is happening because they are trying to do everything! Attending all women’ s conferences, buying books and bibles, tithing, offering, not committing sexual immorality, not stealing e.t.c It’s good but you will burn out!! You got to LET GO and Let God bless you without works.

What did you do to get saved? Wasn’t it the Lord who decided and did everything, isn’t that all you did was to say yes, He is Lord and you inherited The Holy Spirit, everlasting life, healing, protection, Childrenship of God, angels to command, power over satan, access to God 24/7, no more condemnation, all past present and future sins forgiven, new heart and life e.t.c. what would you do to earn these? Why then do you think you have to give money, time, energy, commitment, e.t.c. for God to bless you? don’t we do all these things because we love God, as a form of worship (appreciation) and because it is Him in us enabling us? Why do you bring back the law which was given in the first place to show you that you can not make it? Many backslide because
they are burnt out tired, they have been busy working for God and doing things for Him.

Haven’t I told you that it’s all about Him? The law (your efforts) must die and Jesus (grace) must live i.e You must LET GO and Let God.  LET GO of  trying not to sin and let God’s righteousness live. People are condemning themselves because they are busy fighting some sin and are failing. LET GO and Let God do His thing. Get off the way!

Romans 5:20 NLT God's law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were.
But as people sinned more and more, God's wonderful grace became more abundant.

SERIOUSLY!!  LET GO of the lotto or loans and Let God fix your finances, LET GO of the magazine tips on ‘how to keep a man, to find the right one + other nonsense’ and Let God do His Holy Hook up, SERIOUSLY!!  LET GO of the cooking now, and Let God enter your Husband’s heart to love you, LET GO of trying to forgive your ex and Let God heal you, LET GO of trying to understand why it happened to you and Let God take you to a new life, LET GO overworking and Let God make your Boss favor you to promote you, LET GO of the make up and sliming pills and Let God love you, LET GO of the mistake and Let God start you over, LET GO of trying to be lovable and Let God love you, LET GO of fighting them and Let God prove them wrong,  LET GO of your self- prayers and Let God speak in your prayers.

 Ephesians 3:16-20 NLT   pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit.  17  Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him.  20  Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us,to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

LET GO of asking or thinking and Let God who is able, do more and infinitely. Trust in Christ!

Us, who trust in God and depend on His grace, can never be destroyed nor be discouraged. Life can throw us into the valleys of Shadows of death, and weapons can be formed against up, we know that we are not able to stop them from firing, they can fire as much as they want but we believe they will not prosper because His grace is sufficient. He is our Shepard and we are just sheep incapable of defending our selves against hyenas but Our Shepard is the roaring Lion. When we come to the dead end of the road, He who opened the red sea,can open new doors and no one can close them.

Preachers should LET GO of trying to change people and Let God do it.

Daniel 1:9 KJV Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince
of the eunuchs.

Revelation 3:8 NLT  "I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed My word and did not deny Me.

Come on now , SERIOUSLY!!  LET GO of your efforts and Let God put favor in him/her/them.

The truth in this offering will set you free but SERIOUSLY, you got to LET GO of
what YOU know and can DO, and Let God’s word and faithfulness work for you.

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