Bisexual Christians

Years ago I had a friend who loved and was loved by girls, so he played around until all of a sudden he fell in love with one girl. At our age and stage, he started doing strange things like being honest & faithful to the girl; we even thought she used korobela (love spell) on him. Upon watching her behavior, I told my blind-&-in-love strange friend that his girlfriend was a lesbian. Of course he laughed until he caught her with another girl making-out. What was more heart-breaking than my man’s weeks-long tears, was that when she was breaking up with him, she confessed, “I thought you were a player and would just use me and leave or we just play while passing time but you got serious”. Well, you may think that you know your partner and nothing like this would ever happen to you; that is the deception of “bisexuals” but how would you feel if it happened? We (The Church) are married to Christ, how does God feel about people who play for both teams?

Revelation 3:15-16 NLT "I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth!

Paul wrote the above to the church of Loadicea who were not living right but deceived that everything is ok because they were even rich. I see this representing most of our church today. On Sunday, Facebook statuses are updated “Praise the Lord. I love you Jesus”, Monday – “what do you prefer, big breasts or beautiful face?” , by Friday- “today, I get sloshed- Kospotong here I come!” … and Sunday we are back again quoting scriptures. The church doesn’t want to preach this truth in fear of losing membership but Ps Neville Van Wyk once preached two messages, “Fakers & posers” and, I think “ A fan or follower” – and I believe these messages relate to such people who call themselves Christians but don’t wanna do what Christ command; they are fakers and not real followers of Christ.I watched Tyler Perry’s “For the colored girls” and saw how a character played by Jeanette Jackson finds out that her masculine husband had been sleeping with other men. I hear & know of men who are married to women but play with boys. These are like people who even become preachers or church leaders meanwhile their hearts are as dark as tar and don’t know Christ at all- “ hypocrites!” Christ would call these Pharisees.

Jesus would prefer a drag queen gay man than these ones in a closet, for He said in scripture above“I wish that you were one or the other!” in french we say "be gay or straight !" In 1 Cor 5, Paul shows that we may associate with sinners but never associate with “bisexual Christians”. Personally, I am an extremist, a 0 or 100% man = I either give my all or not at all; either be evil or good, I would never do 20% or 96%, but all! I hate meeting dishonest “Christians” who cant keep their word. At least when a renowned sinner says “I am coming”, I don’t get disappointed when he doesn’t show or even call and I wouldn’t even cancel my other appointments for him but a “Christian”! So, I hate people who have one foot on one side and the other foot on the other side.

The greatest sin in the world is idolatry (Deut 9:18, 1 kings 12:30) which is cheating on God. I don’t wanna go into billions of scriptures about how God hates this sin because it breaks His heart like my boy was broken by a girl he loved. I used to I advise people to rather first go live a sinful life but when they decide to come to Christ, really be authentic because I did that- I remember even asking God for one more December to do all that my flesh wants to do and I did.

My lords, this is not a condemnation message for those who are struggling with certain sins, I struggled with many and still committed many despicable sins while in Bible school and after but I repented & trusted on God, my saviour. This is about the heart, that even when you fall, you are determined to live right and repent to never do it again rather than doing it with no conscience. Last night I read 1 Corinthians 5 where Paul is rebuking the cosmopolitan city church for keeping a man who is sleeping with his mother; he told them to kick him out so satan can deal with him to restore him or save his soul. It’s not about being perfect in an imperfect body because:-

Psalms 37:24 NLT Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.

Proverbs 24:16 NLT The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.

We make mistakes but we must repent and hold his hand instead of being comfortable with sin like a “bisexual Christian”. And if you read the whole Revelation 3, you realize the glorious honor and rewards which Christ gives to those who live right. God bless you!

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