Love and other things in between Pt. 2 ( Continued from Pt. 1)

Sunday Morning, a day before Valentine, Themba and Hope still had babalas (hang over) from the Friday's tragic events. Hope had even thought that Joseph would see the value of what he had thrown away once she is married to Themba. But now her generational curse of singlehood had kicked in her mind becoming an unavoidable reality. At exactly 9h00, Themba was on Stage opening the service with prayer at their church in Randburg CBD. As rehearsed he started singing praise , “  I’m running to your arms x2/ the riches of your love will always be enough/ nothing compares to Your embrace / to light of the world forever reign”.
As the song was sinking in his veins, he switched into another song and the band followed him singing “ I love you God/I worship you/ you alone are God/ You alone are good”. This was unplanned and so was him raising his arm to the band the band to indicate that they should stop. The band was surprised but hoping that he doesn’t do harm in whatever he is about to do. Themba opened the scripture to read to the people :-

Romans 8:35-39 NLT Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? (37) No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. (38) And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. (39) No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

His voice could not completely be clear by the time he finished reading and entering another trance Themba started singing “we look to Yahweh, Yahweeeeeeh/ forever yahweh, yahweeeh .” it was at this moment that He felt like it was not Him singing. His words were amplified and something deep inside emphasized the lyrics as if they brought Yahweh right before Him. Suddenly the drums and snares, bass guitar sang along in agreement and highlighting Yahweh. His soul testified that He is indeed yahweeh or I am Yahweeh; He just couldn’t differentiate himself from the music and God. Themba was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit that he broke into tears … noticing this, a backing vocalist came to the rescue immediately to take over singing “Our hope is God Almighty/ His love is greater than all/Lift high the God of heaven/Give all the honour. We look to Yahweh, Yahweeeeh/Our hope is Yahweh, Yahweh” .

By this time a Voice spoke to Themba deep within “ Do you know how wide, how long, how wide… how deep my love is for you? You compare my love to your conditional temporary lusts…. For how long must these Adam’s sons grieve me? Haven’t I done enough for them already? Didn’t I limit myself in time and space, trapped in that dirty flesh of theirs? For their sake, didn’t I get mocked by hypocrites, betrayed by idolaters and left alone broken into pieces for them… and this is how they respond to me? “ why do you think the worst of me every time when you are disappointed?", the voice continued." Why speak to me from the flesh in pain crying “why do you leave me?” Didn’t I say I would never leave you nor forsake you ? Do I lie? Why do you go back and associate your disappointments with me 
as a judge of your past sins? Tell me then all knowing man, if your dog barks at your visitors, do you stop feeding it? Do you take a shambok and harass it? If no, Am I not at least a bit good than you? Aren’t you more valuable than a dog to me? So, why do you picture me as the idol’s judge, Randall Abrahams caring a whip when you get into trouble?

Who protected you in your mothers’ womb when your possessed father harassed her and who protected you from the harms of her during her rejection?
I chose you and sanctified you before the earth and I protected you from the wild beats of men and animals in Kwa-Zulu Natal. I gave you that gift to worship me so you can stay close to me but now you claim that I do not love you because a stranger girl insulted you?”

Nobody could withstand what Themba was going through, so the sister from the band embraced him like a comforter of a weeping widow at the funeral. As they gently stepped down the stage, he looked like an injured soccer player being helped off the field. Themba seemed to have been struggling to contain himself and as he blasted out more rivers of tears, the church went wild , shouting loudly in joy, tears, and lost in unknown tongues. Then, it was as if a wind came blowing the crowd from the east side, then poeple started falling like dominos or a Mexican wave.

Sister Hope was among the fallen crowd as the Lord was ministering to her when she lied on the earth. Later Pastor Kobus got on stage, wiping a few tears himself before he could preach a great message from

Philippians 4:6-7 NLT Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. (7) Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

After church Hope was so much in peace, filled wth joy and felling  completed and floating in the air without needing anyone to suspend her. A strange poor looking man approached her and gently spoke to her “ When your family’s familiar spirits seeked to enter your daughter on the day she was born, a horn was played and a voice above declared “This is my daughter, in whom I am pleased".Precious is not Joseph’s daughter but the Lord’s anointed woman of God. You have been chosen among all women to raise her. The Lord says “Remove men from my throne, I am your Lord. You’re Love. I did not bring you this far to fail or hurt you”.

On the other side of the church exit, though his face was trying to convince everyone that he never cried, Themba’s red eyes were betraying him, so he looked down most of the time as he walked out. The bright light of the African sun outside made him feel like he is entering a new world, a changed man. He could not see clearly at first but he final opened his eyes fully and then all of a sudden there she was… coming straight towards him. An almost impossible but biggest surprise of a woman that he thought he would never see again. Seeing him confused, speechless and motionless, she stepped up to him and squeezed him tightly and simultaneously whispering and crying into his ears “I’m so… I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I’m so so so sorry, Themba!”.

To be continued...

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