I went to the canteen at work and found my usual colleagues/mates already seated at the round table and eating. Before I went to dish my chow, I placed my keys on the table to book my seat at the round table. For my surprise, when I came back, one of the guys was seating on my chair and there was no more any empty seats. Just before I start a fight, I felt a calm spirit of peace, so I just told the guy peacefully that what he did was wrong and I looked for another place to sit. The round table is where we crack jokes and have fun eating with the peers of my level. Although it did not make much sense in my head (why I did not fight), I went ahead and found myself an empty table where I sat alone feeling all left out. Few minutes later some guy in higher management came to join me and then another one. The director of the whole African continent company saw us and decided to join us also.
Within some few seconds I was surrounded by big guns and we engaged in some topic that built me a lot. I was so free with them sharing things that I would not share at the round table because they never speak anything of gain; but the big guns listened to me and had the same philosophy as me.

Well, my lords, I want to encourage you that you must not despair when people kick you out of their circles or reject you. Usually God will separate you from the mediocre lifestyle and people to prepare you for greater things. The Lord separated me from people for about 4 years and for 2 years I spent weekends by myself (with Him). Before,  I was used to djying, partying and having crews all the time.
Do not hang on them. They were not called but you. They would pull you down because when you are with them, you would be forced to shrink to their level. Ladies please, we are not in the 60's, you do not have to compromise your calling (leadership) for the sake of marriage or fear of society. move out of that society,  and the Lord will lead you to the men and society (environments) suited for purpose. {do not be arrogant or act on anger, let the calm gentle Spirit lead you }

Do not hold on to the comforts of this world when God calls you. ( John 12:25, Luke 14:26 )

Do not be repulsive when the Lord takes you out of some relationships. Some relationships are temporary and you outgrow them. You will meet new people who will take you to high places. Some things you think are the best because you are not in the future where the Lord, who is calling you, is. You are great there!

When you are separated from your norms and mates, it would definitely be lonely at first but temporary, keep your faith and endure because soon enough you will be sitting at the directors table.

John 14:1-2 NLT "Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in Me. 2 There is more than enough room in My Father's home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?

Luke 6:22-23 GNB "Happy are you when people hate you, reject you, insult you, and say that you are evil, all because of the Son of Man! 23 Be glad when that happens and dance for joy, because a great reward is kept for you in heaven…”

Isaiah 61:7 NLT Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.

Those who thought you would not survive without them; those who thought you were going crazy and were ashamed of you, will kneel before you.

Stay blessed!


  1. Since i subscribed to snack offering,i can't wait 2 c what's new cause d news here r so interesting and uplifting.Thank u

  2. Thank you Anna. God bless you!


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