As we continue on this offering , I want you to understand that being born a gain is suicide. What do you think ‘giving your Life to Jesus’ means.? Hallo? Galatians 2:20 NLT “My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me….”

When I speak the word, I first try to think twice so that I do not carelessly offend people but that’s ironic because the word of God is a sword. You are bound to be provoked and offended by the word because it has to destroy you and build Him. Jesus did not come to make peace but He brought a sword. We have to die and He must live. I am willing to speak the truth whether anybody has preached it before or not.

I have given u my history, I am/was a very shy and coward guy, but because it is not me or about me, whenever the Spirit comes I can’t help it but shoot. When I was in primary School, the Lord decided to test drive me. I opened the Bible and I could interpret it. I took a tall older guy to walk with me as we go house to house, preaching the Gospel. I love the gospel! Some Christians were resistive to change, some underestimated me because I was a kid but the poor received me. I even remember some widow, receiving and giving her life to Jesus. Some people made fun of us and the big guy gave up the next day. But I had so much drive and passion that I had no fear to face anything alone. Somehow I felt strength and comfort. I went to a panel of Old men preachers, trying to debate with them about baptism as the Spirit has interpreted to me. When they failed debating on the scriptures, they started playing the age and cultural cards. They had a crowd of hyenas to mock me and laugh at me . I pray that we must be meek like David and repent, and be teachable.

I grew up as a church boy but I related to God through the law because that’s how Christians lived but I fell. As an extremist, I do everything to fullest, whether good or bad. Unfortunately, that’s where most of you know me from. That’s why you still don’t believe I can go to church, you probably thought I am the devil. The time hadn’t come yet. Before the time, we can do whatever we like but when the time comes, It’s all about Him.

I feel the same Spirit that test drove me at a young age now as I write this offering. Thank you brethren, for your prayers, may the Lord bless you. Do not seize to pray for me, for I am weak and useless.
And that’s the thing… people have the confusion differentiating between the Speaker (God) and the vessel He is using. We have to grow up! We can not continue to try and relate to God from the outside. We have to relate to God in the Spirit and stop seeing people’s physical bodies. Most of people don’t believe in God but the vessels. That’s why you expect a pastor to be a saint on a Saturday at a soccer match. I have a strong belief that when people ask me ‘who writes these offerings?’ is because when they meet me, they see a different person that the one who writes. Well, hallo! Of course we are different. (Read this again).

we are ordinary unless the Lord is using us.

Matthew 11:18-19 GNB When John came, he fasted and drank no wine, and everyone said, 'He has a demon in him!' 19 When the Son of Man came, he ate and drank, and everyone said, 'Look at this man! He is a glutton and wine drinker, a friend of tax collectors and other outcasts!' God's wisdom, however, is shown to be true by its results."

When you are spiritual all the time people say you are a freak and when you live normally people say that you are not a true Christian. Jesus was boozing and partying before the time to preach came. We all know the changing of water into wine story but check this out… John 2:3-4 NLT The wine supply ran out during the festivities, so Jesus' mother told Him, "They have no more wine." 4 "Dear woman, that's not our problem," Jesus replied. "MY TIME HAS NOT YET COME."

Jesus was a carpenter who seem to go partying before the time came. All I am saying is that, a vessel will remain a vessel like others until the time when the Holy Spirit come to work.

It’s not about us. As for us, we are party animals, dancers, gamblers, womanizers, money lovers, murderers, liars, cheaters, church goers, scientists, lawyers, plumbers, pretenders, religious, black, Indian, lazy, sexy, good, bad, talented, useless, short, fat e.t.c. before the time comes. When the time comes, God doesn’t care who you are and where you are or what you are doing, He is God and it’s all about Him, not you. He will use you for anything and you won’t understand it your whole life.

When the time comes, you loose interest in the things you love more, you loose desire for them. When the time comes, you have a war by yourself because your body wants to do this but for some reason you don’t want to. Your friends and family don’t understand you. You don’t understand yourself. You have seen nothing, you have no promise of millions and you were not even given a deposit but you are willing to give your whole life to the unseen Jesus and follow Him to an unknown place with unknown people all because you heard and believed. You give up and sacrifice everything!

When people ask me, where do you get time to write these offerings or why do you go to church everyday and you travel Monday to Sunday to a church so far… I feel sorry for their thoughts because I can tell they are not connected, otherwise they would know that when God comes, you don’t desire anything but Him. It’s all about Him. Some beautiful sister told me that they (sisters) dress up nice and come to church but the brothers don’t see them. Women don’t understand that we can only do one thing at a time. Men can testify with me that it is hard for a connected man to see women during worship or preaching. During that time, God is so attractive and desiring that …. Let me just say that no man would go into the strip club and look at the dj (unless he is twisted/gay and obviously there for the wrong reasons). How can you see women when you are in the presence of the perfection of beauty of the Most High God? Somebody please tell these women before tell them, “ It is not about you!” Don’t get me wrong, I love women and I never hide it. Sometimes I get inspired to live by just looking at women walking around. I stay in the suburbs and the streets are so empty. I told people that I lost weight because I have been detoxing, but I think it's because I am starving from seeing women. This is not healthy, let this cup pass, no ways! Ladies, yo’ll better get out of those cars and start walking. You selfish daughters of Eve, get out of the cars! Lol!
We love you ladies but please understand that it is not all about you. Man-God relationship requires intimacy and if we don’t, we will lead you to death.

This weekend in Midrand, Bishop T.D Jakes quoted Philippians 3:14 to the speak about High calling by God. You can not choose God. God has to choose you and when He does it’s for a High calling. That’s why I am never intimidated by a sinner. I don’t even try to get anyone saved, it’s not my job. God has His times. I know that when the time comes and God choose someone with a high calling, no one can resist the beauty of Christ. NO ONE!

Why do you think you are battling trying to keep the biggest things you loved before,... when you meet the High God, you realize how small everything else is and how low your dreams are. What you thought would put you high and you have been working for it, suddenly becomes small and some live in denial for a long time thinking that one day they will see those things as big as they used to see them. But nothing is important anymore than the High calling. People in the world don’t understand why you left all that ‘high’ stuff to go and hang around with the losers and you do ‘low’ stuff.

I think When the time comes, people have a job of renewing their minds to keep the vessel clean because God use it anytime He wants. I am trying to keep the outside of the vessel clean so that no one can fear to drink the clean water inside (the vessel is very clean on the inside, washed by the perfect blood of Jesus). Even for the outside cleaning, I am dependent on His grace because I cant do it, I can’t stop smoking, I don’t have the ability to do so.

When you are called with a high calling, you cant backslide! You may fall … Proverbs 24:16 GNB No matter how often honest people fall, they always get up again; but disaster destroys the wicked.

That’s where you can differentiate between those who called themselves and those called by God. Like my old friend in primary school days, He ran when disaster came. What makes us stand or get up when others fail to?

Psalms 37:24 GNB If they fall, they will not stay down, because the LORD will help them up.

People are people and they remain people until that moment which the Spirit help/use them. The works they do is not them, it’s not for them or about them. Before Jesus healed the blind man in John 9:1-3 NLT As Jesus was walking along, He saw a man who had been blind from birth. 2 "Rabbi," His disciples asked Him, "why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents' sins?" 3 "It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins," Jesus answered. "THIS HAPPENED SO THE POWER OF GOD COULD BE SEEN IN HIM.

Hhhmmm. Even when the Lord heals you, it’s not about you or the vessel or channel He used to heal you. It’s about Him! I will tell you the hard truth that may sting a bit : Some of the unfavourable situations around you are not because people hate you or the devil this and that or you are bad or your family is bad , guys it is not about us! Why don’t you get this? Don’t run around stressing yourself trying to get people to feel sorry for you. Take the situation the right person who wants His power to be seen! Don’t let Him pass you by.

When I got into relationship with God I continued drinking for a while. Even now I can drink but the only problem I have is that each time I drink I preach more. That’s my reason for quitting alcohol. I realized that there’s no going back and that God is not intimidated by your habits, sins or anything. He is God and He do whatever He likes, wherever and whenever. I’m tired of being embarrassed, I don’t want to go boozing to end up saving people, I wanna have fun.
Earlier I would even approach a girl in a bar or restaurant for my own purpose but it is God who end up getting the girl, so… I guess I decided to surrender all because He gets what He wants in any case, He is God.

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