My Ex in the Trunk (book chapter highlight)

Four women having a problem of thinking about their Ex-boyfriends wrote to me and after replying that I am not qualified to counsel anyone, I prayed for the last woman on a Saturday. On Sunday I was driving to church when I saw a woman driving a blue car with a male passenger. They seemed happy and all lovey-dovey but then I saw a sign sticker at the back window printed “My Ex in trunk”. I captured the picture as the Lord started ministering to me about that particular statement. A lot of women carry their Ex’s in the trunks of their souls into the next relationships but God wants to help them to remove them.

Traditionally the church made us believe that when we receive Jesus, everything is gone and we must start living the righteous life on our own effort but that is a lie. You cannot get over addictions in a day; the Lord cleans the Spirit but the soul (mind and emotions) remain infected by evil and that is why we have to renew it. The Truth is that you were even emotionally attached to your Ex and maybe even one with him according to:-

Genesis 2:24 KJV Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

So, if you were attached and now are ripped apart like two pieces which were glued together, there would be some pieces of him left in you. And this is a more painful experience for women because you give everything emotionally. Now, the pieces you have of him are those good memories and dreams that you are struggling to get rid of. The Lord has given me a message of hope that the pain you are going through is necessary because of the new and much greater thing that He is working behind your back for you. So firstly He wants to help you to forget the past especially those good memories that you have of your Ex :-

This offering is very long, so please purchase the book for a complete message but understand that God has taken you out of that relationship for a reason. The problem is that you are not doing what you have been separated to do and that is why you sit and start reminiscing about him and end up hurting yourself. In the book the Lord would minister to you on why you actually don’t want to go back and how you can step up to your new blessings of life that God had called you out of that relationship for in the first place. He moves us from glory to glory and never backwards!

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This was just a highlight of the the book chapter. I will be posting full offerings.

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