One man's blessings for all

The average sperm count of one man today is around 60 million per milliliter and the current world population is about 6.9 Billion. So, it means that a 16 year old boy can create more than 20 times the world population in just one wet dream. In the previous offering we learnt from Exodus 32:10 that God wanted to wipe out the Israelites and to create a new nation through one man, Moses. God doesn’t need billions of people to establish His plans and we fool ourselves by thinking that our current blessings are related to the majority (democratic) contribution/works. All God needs is one willing heart like you to change the World. Why do think the Heavens rejoice (party) for just one soul that is born again (Luke 15:10,32) ? You are very valuable to God and your commitment to the good God is never in vain. God can bless billions of people including the evil ones due to one good person like you.

God blessed some evil Israeli kings only because of this other one good man…

1 Kings 11:10-13 NLT He had warned Solomon specifically about worshiping other gods, but Solomon did not listen to the LORD's command. (11) So now the LORD said to him, "Since you have not kept My covenant and have disobeyed My decrees, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your servants. (12) But for the sake of your father, David, I will not do this while you are still alive. I will take the kingdom away from your son. (13) And even so, I will not take away the entire kingdom; I will let him be king of one tribe, for the sake of My servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, My chosen city."

The statement “ for the sake of my Servant David” repeats so many times in 1 Kings 11:32,34 , 15:4; 2 Kings 19:34 ; 20:6 ; Isaiah 37:35. Jesus, Himself is referred to as the son of David. He is a blessing to David.

There are other examples in the Bible but today let me stop here with David because I think I identify with his prodigal descendents. I am a third generation Christian. My grandmother being a devoted catholic and prayer warrior, and my mother having been raised through Sunday school and all. My grand father was raised in the royal family (and hence cultural family); so, my grandmother and mother tell me of the persecutions that they suffered as the subjects who were diverting from the “King’s” will by introducing some foreign worship. They took beatings and sufferd sleeping outside daily in the cold but these powerful women endured for Jesus’s sake. They Even my grandfather passed on having received this Jesus of ours and you think that God will allow grandma's commitment disolve like sinners' wealth? No! We are taking it to another level and so will the next generations.
 Sometimes I like tricking God when I need forgiveness or Chicken Licken (something nice) but feel undeserving, so I like playing the card “ Please, Lord, for my grandmother’s sake, please Lord!” , grinning. You can hate me for it but it works! That’s how I got my University degree when I was bad in my work; I pulled the mother and grandmother card to God!

Many people like asking me how I do all I do, the fact is: I don’t know, I’m just inheriting! It’s evident to everyone around the village that my grandmother’s family is very blessed … let me spare you details but we are blessed and it is not because of what we do but what someone invested in. Foolish people look at blessed people and complain or condemn themselves but wise people see the results and start investing for their own children. I have already started praying blessings over my unborn great grandchildren.

I am not telling you this to show off but to encourage you never to underestimate your commitment to God especially if everyone else around doesn’t do good! God is faithful!

Galatians 6:7-9 NLT Don't be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. (8) Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. (9) So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.

James 1:12 NLT God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.

Do not give up the good work. You may not see the results but what about your children?

Proverbs 13:22 NLT Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner's wealth passes to the godly.

I’m not born rich because by ancestors didn’t invest in wealth but I have Christ because my ancestors sowed in Him. I was taught that true prosperity is when your Children and their generations get to know God. You may not see the quick results but don’t be like people of the world; persist and you will see the faithfulness of God.

I’m the last person to boast about anything because I am what I am because of others. A sister tells me that about 8 years ago, I visited her flat drunk early in the morning (fishing!). Later after I departed, her friend who had also visited proclaimed, “that guy is a man of God”. That stranger girl that I may never get to know started praying from me to be saved since then. A stranger! I know that I talk too much but I get inspirational emails from you guys. I know that many people pray for me because I get a lot of Spiritual empowerment when I get weary in dark days. Do not underestimate your worth because you are not in the public eye.

This is what the Bible say about the virtuous woman who takes care of her hubby:-

Proverbs 31:23 NLT Her husband is well known at the city gates, where he sits with the other civic leaders.

Foolish women see men dressed neatly and successful, and they want a piece of the pie but what they don’t know is that behind all of that is a prayerful hardworking woman. For crying out loud, the guys without the woman behind them don’t dress that good… hallo? I will pass by you one day!

Romans 5:17 NLT For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God's wonderful grace and His gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one Man, Jesus Christ.

Now grace makes perfect justice and sense!

All of these men and women of God did not achieve by far anything close to what Jesus, has invested for us. Never be afraid to come to God for salvation, blessings or forgiveness because God will never judge you to see if you are worthy, but He would just look at  this one Man, Jesus Christ whom He already judged and found worthy to receive anything He wants  but He chose you to receive His blessings!

Don’t be like religious folk (who work to deserve it) but go boldly to God’s throne of grace and declare, “ In the name of Jesus" , then God will remember His promise. Enjoy your inherited blessings from One good man, Jesus!

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