Another one for the boys (1 of 2)

Last year's offering, one for the boys, had an unexpected number of response from the ladies who were agreeing and some repenting from neglecting men. Today when I woke up, the Lord laid another one for the boys and when I tried to reference with one for the boys, I realised that it was sent on the same day last year. I am overwhelmed because I couldn’t even recall  the year it was written.  Big ups to the women who are holding it down and playing their roles in the families, taking care of their husbands and society. I get encouraged and filled with hope when I see wives’ Face book statuses about how they are taking care of their men, keep the good work! This offering is to provoke the other women who neglect men or misuse their tongues and it is not intended at those women who are victims of evil (men). I will, in advance, advice that it is not for very sensitive readers.

The enemy is attacking men and since we don’t generally express our feelings artistically for people to feel sorry for us, nobody knows that we feel used like mules and rejected like "tissue" especially if we are criticized all the time by the people we expect to be our helpers. Failure to appreciate men causes men to be unproductive and hence everyone suffers the consequences. At least the guys in the world have the alcohol world to escape into but what does a Christian brother have? I don’t even have a day to be recognized or appreciated on the calendar! Women have Women’s day, Mother’s day, 16 days, Valentine’s day, Wedding day and Every day…

I have been writing the offerings on the 16 days of activism against women and child abuse because I am more close to the women than men. I have other offerings that I couldn’t post but written on the same topic. While I was busy preparing the above offerings, I realised (from the media) that the general secular idea is to make men the enemy of women, meanwhile men are victims of the real enemy too.

Do you know why generally men are not abused? …It's because they are killed!!!

Statistics 2009 show that there are 48.66 male deaths per 1,000 that survive at birth as compared to 40.1 deaths per 1,000 females that live at births in SA. Statistics 2007 show that there are more males born than females in SA (1.02 males: 1 females) but something happens because by age 65 years there are more females than males (0.69 males: 1 female). If my math is right, that something is the 33% of males that die compared to all the females that live by age 65. You can play dumb or quit playing victim games and start playing your role to fight against our common enemy that seeks to abuse and kill us! (John 10:10).

Two years ago, a very beautiful Cape Townean girl from next door came to my rented townhouse in Midrand crying that her husband abused her and her child. I got so disturbed by the sick stories that she described, that I told her to stay in my house and I can deal with him if he comes before the police. I even permitted her to comfort herself by drinking and smoking in my house ( and I ignored her “funny” moves that I considered to be the result of her emotional state). When the Police arrived, I was astonished to see their unwillingness attitude to take the case seriously. When I confronted one of the cops about their behaviour, aside he told me that she is a regular at the Station and she lies. I was crushed inside and even worse when the guys from the complex came to warn me later that the girl goes around in men’s apartments in the absence of her husband. Apparently she drinks all day and beats up her man when he comes back home. The husband was a peaceful man who obviously swallowed everything probably because “who can listen to him, never the less believe him?”. I was hurt that while some other women suffer for real, there are other blessed women who abuse their blessing like that and settle for the comfort of victim pity parties instead of being prosperous.

We have made men the enemy instead of the devil and as a result men are dying in jail/bondage. Everyone is quick to jump on men! Men like Joseph serve sentences for crimes they did not commit because some beautiful woman accused them and no one believes men.

Despite all the drama in Gen 39:12-21 NLT “….  the last verse end positively

(21) But the LORD was with Joseph in the prison and showed him His faithful love. And the LORD made Joseph a favorite with the prison warden.”

The whole world can gang up on you brother but the Lord, who never leaves nor forsake you, is with you and He will bless you! He is that true friend who sticks closer than a brother (Prov. 18:24). He is everywhere even in hell to lift you up.

Psalm 139:8 KJV If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

As a man, you are generally neglected with no one to lean on when you have fallen, so you swallow it like Joseph. But if your woman fights with you, she would surely gather her friends, her mother and your mother to gang up on you to talk about how worse your father was. Soon enough the pastor is gonna be preaching about you on Sunday after she updates her Facebook status to “it’s complicated”. You are telling all your friends that men are dogs but why update them on something they already know. They know that men are dogs and that’s why they take us to guard their own houses as soon as you throw us away. I have never seen a homeless dog… but I have surely seen a lot of dogless homes!

We gotta stop the non-sense and start being useful members of the body of Christ. Your criticisms of men are not going to help neither you nor the world if you don’t appreciate your men!

Leadership appreciation

Many know the following verse :-

Isaiah 43:18-19 GNB But the LORD says, "Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. (19) Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already---you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there.

This verse has been quoted out of context when we are trying to make people forget the bad past but the verse is talking about the good past if you read the previous verses e.g.

Isa 43:16-18 NLT I am the LORD, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea. (17) I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses. I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned, their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick. (18) "But forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.

Some man once said that our greatest enemy is "our successful past". I am grateful of the foundation and the great fathers like Mandela but we gotta face the facts that Mandela is the success of the Past, and we have Jacob Zuma and the future to focus on now! When last did you pray for him? But you are surely gonna criticize him when he loses a step as he dances with his wives. South Africans are the most ungrateful people I know! We cry about corrupt officials but we never play our roles in building our nation. This entitlement mentality make me sick!

Kings are to be praised like in Psalm 45:1-2+ NLT … Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a lovely poem about the king, for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet. (2) You are the most handsome of all. Gracious words stream from your lips. God himself has blessed you forever…..

When last did you thank your leaders, pray for or praise them when they do something great?

Psalm 34:12-13 NLT Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous? (13) Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies!

What makes you think that you would criticize your leaders and have a prosperous life?

You surely can victimise yourself, manipulate and fool everyone but

Gal 6:7 GNB Do not deceive yourselves; no one makes a fool of God. You will reap exactly what you plant.

Prov 18:21 NLT The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

Surely we can change the inevitable evil in our country if we speak less evil and more positively!

If God has power to speak everything into existence and he created women to be like Him, guess who possess the power to create things through words?

Continue talking bad about your men and expect the pastor’s prayers and your friends' 2 cents pity parties to help. You can’t manipulate God to support you! You have the power, start using it right!

Let me get out of hand now:-

Black women get mad at black men and complain, “How come when you get successful, you leave us with tsotsis and take a white girl along , why, what’s wrong with us ?”…. I’m glad you asked, sister!

The rapper, B.I.G, sang “more money more problems” because the more you are successful, the more hell life gives you. Maybe the white girl seems to be the only one willing to encourage me, wipe my tears, boost my confidence telling me that I am the man while she is massaging me after feeding me when I come back home from hell INSTEAD of questioning me, accusing me and telling me that I am a-good-for-nothing man or blaming me for what her father and ex-boyfriends did! Yeah, I said it!!!

If nobody tells you, guess who would! ?

Women have power in their lips and over men but some choose to play around. I confess that earlier, I went to pose in front of the mirror with my chest up because some stranger girl, over the weekend told me that I have nice eyes and I am intelligent. I have been living like it ever since!
Since you have that power, guess what happens when you say “men are dogs!” Surely the Lord didn’t create us as dogs, somebody with the same power must be messing around converting us or creating dogs… I’m out of here!

[ to be continued]

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant post. All women should read it then apply it. I certainly think the world would be a better place!


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