I am not just a lamb

A lecturer in Bible school asked a student, “ if somebody hits you on the right chick, would you yield for them to smack you on the left cheek too?”. The brother boldly replied, “I’m not a lamb!” This knocked me out. I feel the same way because I don’t think that we should be doormats for the world to walk over because we are Christians. I am not weak because I refrain from fighting physical wars, but rather, my strength emulates from my spirituality. Does this make me a lamb? I can be (through Christ who enables me) but I am not just a lamb.

Jesus is the lamb (John 1:29) but would He allow people to step all over Him? Pastor Ray McCauley once preached about the four faces of Jesus from Rev.4:6. These four faces are indicative of the Ox, Lion, Eagle and Man (the lamb). I think many Christians only have the picture of Jesus as the lamb and never as the Lion, and as a result, we have low self esteem. We are unable to walk in victory because our picture of Christ is only that of a man. We picture Jesus, the poor lamb who was helplessly slain by the ruthless Roman soldiers. Many people watch these movies of Jesus being crucified and they feel compassion at the thought of Jesus’ suffering. It’s not a bad thing to do but I think we would be making a big mistake by thinking that Jesus is only just a lamb.

Previously I thought ‘the lamb’ referred to someone who is weak, sweet and without self-defence. We should have picked it up in the gospels because no typical lamb would overturn tables and whip traders like Pastor Jesus did in John 2.

What kind of a lamb would send this message to the ‘king’ : Luke 13:32 NLT “Jesus replied, "Go tell that fox that I will keep on casting out demons and healing people today and tomorrow; and the third day I will accomplish My purpose.”

What kind of a lamb is this? In Mat.23 he points at knowledgeable people, the Pharisees and called them ‘hypocrites!’ seven times. I like verse 33 where the lamb calls them “Serpents, sons of vipers!”

What about Matthew 21:19 NLT “and He noticed a fig tree beside the road. He went over to see if there were any figs, but there were only leaves. Then He said to it, "May you never bear fruit again!" And immediately the fig tree withered up. ?”

Not even a tree is safe. If it looses a step, it gets a smack!

The biggest clue was in Matthew 10:34 NLT "Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword.”

Ok, case closed. This man doesn’t seem to be a typical peaceful and helplessly weak lamb!

I love fighting (even though I am not good at it) but many times the Spirit of God would make me not to fight (evil) in the flesh. The Spirit usually make me have peace in blessing those who are cursing me and even though it makes me look vulnerable (lamb), I would have peace about it. There are times that the Lord allows me to fight. I believe that Christ is a peaceful lamb for and to us (His fam) BUT He has many faces including that of The Lion. Revelation 1:13-16 NLT “And standing in the middle of the lampstands was someone like the Son of Man. He was wearing a long robe with a gold sash across His chest. 14 His head and His hair were white like wool, as white as snow. And His eyes were like flames of fire. 15 His feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace, and His voice thundered like mighty ocean waves. 16 He held seven stars in His right hand, and a sharp two-edged sword came from His mouth. And His face was like the sun in all its brilliance.”

Ladies, would you meet the individual described above and say ‘what a peaceable man, he’s such darling, oh such a lamb, look at Him!’? The powerful being described above scares me. I don’t even know what I was doing reading the book of Revelations because this book gives me creeps on its own. From the picture above, I see nothing about Christ that spells ‘peace’ and the same in Daniel 10:6, Revelation 19:11-16, Revelation 2:18.

In the Old Testament, there is a distinctive angel who appeared a couple of times and was referred to as “The angel of The Lord”, who is Christ Himself e.g. in Exodus 18, He is one of the 3 angels that bombed Sodom and Gomorrah and was referred to as “the LORD”, in Exodus 12, he killed Egyptians and in Joshua 5: 13, He is caring a sword; Joshua 5:14 NLT "I am the Commander of the LORD's army."

Psalms 24:10 NLT “Who is the King of glory? The LORD of Heaven's Armies—He is the King of glory. Interlude.”

How come this lamb is always caring swords and is all about armies, killing and all these unpeaceful things?

I have heard a couple of preachers say that Jesus went alone to disarm the whole kingdom of Satan to save us and now He posses the keys of death and hell (Acts 2:31, Rev. 1:18). Therefore, Salvation was a one man show! You know what? I think that Christ is a one man army! Thinking about it, it would really be unfair to bring the character described in Rev.1:13-16 to any kind of war. Talk about Chuck, But I think that Jesus is a starring (immortal undisputed Super weight unbeatable Champion) for real. This guy is bad ! In fact, I think Christ is a superhero… disguised as a lamb, Jesus of Nazareth. All super heroes like Superman and Spiderman always have some lamb-like identities such as Clark and Peter.

What if Christians had a relevant picture of Jesus in us for each situation e.g. when your partner hurts you, you love them (a lamb) and when experiencing spiritual evil attacks, you imagine Jesus, the Lion and fight? Wouldn’t we, perhaps, walk in authority and faith better? It’s just a rhetorical question guys, please don’t stop imagining Christ as the long haired dude with white clothes, carrying a lamb in one hand and showing a peace sign with another hand all the time. When Satan attacks you, you might need to picture a guy like that to help you fight.

During the evil dark days, I think my God is able and picture Christ as The roaring lion of Judah who is able to fight. He is the man in whom everything was created, the one with all power, God, Almighty, swords are said to proceed forth from His mouth, The Champion, One man army ! He is the truth (John 14:6) which said that I am the apple of His eye and who ever touch me… (Zec.2:8)….When I imagine this kind of a man, I am confident to come before my enemies and proclaim “If He is with me, which one of you is willing to go against me” When His name is called, every knee shall bow (Phil. 2:10). Who can stand against Him? Name only one person please…. I thought so!

Guys, the Word of God is not just motivational speech, it is the truth and more real than you or I. All these things are possible to those who believe. How do you believe when you don’t have the correct picture of who Christ is? I am naturally a weak guy who is defeated even by girls but Why do you think last year I boldly stated that if Satan has power, we would only believe it if he destroys me, and if he doesn’t, then we have no excuse for not believing in the Power of Christ. All I do is to read these things from the Bible, believe and start living them. There is nothing to guarantee me beside my faith. Sins and the world are nice to the flesh out there, so if God wasn’t real, I would have quit or died a while ago. I have no time to waste.

With Christ being the King of kings, we must walk with our heads high like kings if we believe Him. I don’t beg for bread, I don’t worry about tomorrow. I walk confidently through the valleys, I expect my daily bread, I walk through the fires knowing that He is there and if He helped those Hebrew servants called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, what about me, His child? He created me to be and I am just like Him with the same power in me? A child of an eagle can’t be a chicken! I am just like Him. In fact, I am in Him and because I am part of His body, that pretty much makes me part of Him. It is no longer I that live….I cant walk with my head down to look humble or Christian to anyone. I am more that a conqueror!

We are a resemblance of that dangerous Christ described in Revelations. They may open all gates of hell they will not prevail. They must fire all weapons against us, they will not prosper. They must bring all scorpions now, we are already walking on them while preparing to go through the fires unharmed the next day. We are no lambs! In Christ we are glorious, we remain victorious, we outrun enemies like Oscar Pistorius (We don’t even need legs). We don’t have six packs or abs. We are gentle and compassionate but we are not lambs!

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