A beautiful single sister was worried when telling me that church brothers never approach her  but drunkards & rich sinners pursue her; I sounded rude when I told her that the problem is her, the ways she conducts herself determines who she attracts; if she starts attracting godly men, the sinners wont approach her. Today another sister was sharing on Ruth 3 when God spoke to me a different message about how today’s women are trying many popular, secular, religious and manipulative vanity methods to get their breakthroughs but failing, unlike women in the Bible who won through one way- the floor.

In a nutshell, Israeli old widow named Naomi, had two sons who died leaving her with their Moabite wives, Ruth & Orpah. The poor Naomi released the two young women to go back to their homes to start over a new life but only Ruth decided to be loyal, to stick and serve Naomi through thick and thin till death. When they arrived in Bethlehem, they worked for a wealth single Israeli man named Boaz. Naomi advised Ruth to go lie on the floor next to Boaz bed at night and He decided to marry and they became David’s great grandparents, Jesus’ ancestors. 

God told me that Naomi represent the Holy Spirit whom we received after Jesus died and left us with; He shows us how to get blessings from the Father, Boaz. Either be marriage, healing, promotions, solutions to many problems, if you want a breakthrough and everlasting blessing for generations, there is one way- the floor. 

The woman with the issue of blood suffered twelve years trying many things and many doctors until her money finished and thought of God but there was only one way to be whole, the floor. Some of you are still trying all these other techniques because you got money and are cute, but you won’t get your breakthrough until you get off your high heels and get on the floor! You can’t dress up nice to get a man of God! You can’t pay tithes & offerings and pledge when the prophets manipulate you to receive your blessings, you can’t read the books on how to; there is only one way- the floor!

I met a young man who has special spiritual gifts operating in ministry & is he is from a royal family, very handsome with great personality but single. I asked him why he is not getting married because women are all over him and he responded, “kebabotse mara aba rapeli” (they are beautiful and all but they don’t pray!” Prayer is the most essential lifestyle of a woman, a way of the floor!

Barren women like Sarah try fleshly cultural methods to get a child which kinda ‘work’ but backfires, but women like Hannah use the way of the floor to get a child from God. Some of you are like Sarah and have been taught that men are sexual beasts, dogs and “monna ke selepe oa kademiswana” (A man is a ploughing tool to be borrowed), so you have accepted and given your man to a Nyatsi (concubine) as long as he comes back to you every night or it’s ok as long as you don’t know – what you don’t know is the way of God about one woman for one man and what you don’t know is the way of the floor.You have adopted secular ways from magazines that to keep or stop your man from cheating temptations is by going to Temptations. Your girlfriends went to Sexpo and taught you how to get that lingerie and practice nasty stuff from pornography. A wise woman knows how to keep herself clean, attractive and to keep/protect her man and family by the way of the floor.

You have been trying to talk your way and involving specialists like psychologists and pastors to fix your man and children but God is waiting until you use the everlasting way of the floor. It is God who saves marriages from being broken; it was God who saved Abraham's wife from  being taken to bed by King whom he had no match against. There is always someone sexier ,tempting and overpowering to your spouse but God can prevent evil if you stay on the floor.Show me a woman who's husband is bewitched by concubines, I would show you a wife who got too comfortable on the marriage  and got up from the floor because she married a man after God's heart. Stay on the floor!

Some of you are like Martha busy serving Jesus at the church and you think that is gonna get you any blessing, the wise women are like Mary who on the floor next to Jesus!
The way of the floor is the way of prayer.

Luke 18:1-8 NLT  One day Jesus told His disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up…

Jesus gives a parable of a persistent widow and He concluded: “…So don't you think God will surely give justice to His chosen people who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off?  "
Friends, never seize to pray until you get your breakthrough, do fight physically or try worldly outward ways or be cheated by false prophets to buy blessings and anointing- pray nonstop at all times until you breakthrough!

Matthew 7:7 NLT  "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

Ephesians 6:18 NLT  Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion…
God doesn’t just answer any prayer; many women pray in the flesh, in other words they do not know how to pray in order to receive. It is important to pray through the Holy Spirit. 

Romans 8:26-27 ESV  Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.  27  And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

That’s why Naomi was vital in Ruth’s life, we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit who knows the Father very well because they are closely related:

1 Corinthians 2:11-12 NLT  11  No one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit, and no one can know God's thoughts except God's own Spirit.  12  And we have received God's Spirit (not the world's spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.

Finally, the way of the floor is not for women visiting the church because they want breakthroughs; This is for women like Ruth who love God and wanna serve Him till death whether He does anything for them or not; these are women going through difficult times and they have a choice of getting a sugar daddy or have a one-night with the boss to get that promotion or marrying a proposing sinner or aborting that baby who is a result of rape but they don’t! They are committed to God till death! Your reward is gonna be everlasting!

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