When some girls are fed up and do not want to listen to you, they tell you “talk to the hand because the face aint listening”. Then you find foolish and childish guys like me who would grab the hand and start speaking to it as instructed, I would say stuff like “dear hand, I don’t know how you are associated with this woman but you look like you can reason better … and you look beautiful too. I like your standing hair, what’s this, dreadlocks? You are cute, I like your long neck too, can I take you out sometime? Don’t worry I will get an axe and free you from the evil one, I will wait until she sleeps. You and your twin sister too…” LOL

My friends, I am not the only fool who talk to the hand, many Christians have a relationship with God’s hand, not Him. They don’t seek His face. Their prayers are all about asking God for this and that and to be delivered from this and that, are you actually speaking to God or His hand? God gives those thinks that you ask even to the evil people too. You are missing a big point of salvation. It is God! Not his hand. Who besides Jesus and the old friend Lucifer, could have access to God, who can earn it? Anyone would die if they had to. But Salvation is nothing but Jesus making us righteous (perfect) and filling us with the Holy Spirit to access God and be one with Him as His children.(Romans 8:15-19)

You are buzy asking for bubblegum from God’s hand, do you know how blessed God Himself is? Do you know what is in Jesus? Let me give you a clue, John 1:3 NLT God created everything through Him, and nothing was created except through Him.

Matthew 28:18 AMP Jesus approached and, breaking the silence, said to them, All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Also Heb.2:8

Pastor Don Phillips shared from Mat. 6:26 and said that if the wealthiest man find him worried and asked him what his problem was and Ps. Don Phillips said he needs to build stuff but has no money and the wealthy man just says ‘don’t worry about money’, Ps. Don would feel secured.

Now you people worry about food, houses, cars, husbands while the one with everything says don’t worry in Matt.6:26

Do you think it was easy for God to sacrifice His perfect son for your sins? Would you kill your mother to save a rapist or a prostitute? (Romans 5:8). If He could give you Jesus, what cant He give you? Why must you pray to His hand when you have a privilege of His glorious face? Are you seriously that stupid?

My mother was wining about the material things that other women have that she doesn’t have and I couldn’t help but rebuke her. She has been a Christian this long but she talks like a baby. She doesn’t even see all these blessings that money cannot buy, the Lord blessed her with children, we made it out of a corrupt village and we all go through varsity and nobody in her family has ever been there, no one in her family has ever been hospitalised, non of us have diseases, we don’t even die, the last person who died was 94 and previously it was my great grandfather who was probably over 100 yrs old. I have heard of many devoted Christians who do not have any grace like this. How dare she complains for such non-sense? I hate unthankful people who are always nagging God with all these “give me give me” stuff.

Last week, I spoke to my boss that I will hand over a resignation letter because her boss clearly wants to get rid of me. I am at peace about it because it was not because I am disobedient or did not work properly but because I am honest. Now my Christian boss seriously start worrying, what shall you eat, pay for the car or house. I just never see God letting me suffer, it is impossible because He owns everything. I don’t even think that I would ask anyone for help and I don’t understand why Christians don’t see that, I feel strange. All I see is a change for great things that God is bringing because of His clock.

I have been too busy at work but being out of work means more time in the presence of God which is equal to something so dangerous that I cant even imagine. When I said I am the general, I am not talking about with people; I am a general of legions of angels that obey the Word of God. When I spend time in God, I get to know what is in His heart and I would start commanding angels, I will bring heaven on earth and people shall see God live. When I come from God, I would not even apply to be an engineer, with all that glory, I might come out with a big vision of some some secrete big stuff or else apply to be a director (Lol!). To those without the spirit, this is foolishness, denial or some stuff like that…psss. That’s why it’s a waste to share Spiritual things to carnal Christians. They want to hear “you are coming out , God will bless you richly, hold on!’. I’m not holding on to nothing, I am king in my King. I’m not asking God’s hand for nothing, I am blessed already. Tell that to the kindergarten kids. I am in Him where there is everything, if there’s something I need, I don’t ask but take. Everything is Jesus’s and He gave me. I don’t know about you but I am too valuable to God. He invested so much things in me that I don’t even know off and He would send all angels or come down Himself for me. The difference between u n me is that you serve Jesus of Nazereth (the Hand) who walked around healing people, teaching and freeing slaves; but I serve Jesus, sitting in the right hand of the Father with all power and glory (Heb 1), He created everything and I am a living work of His hand that He perfomed before the World began. I can not call Him to do something He already did before I was born.

Last week when I was driving I saw a car driving uncontrollably towards my car at high speed and something in me tells me what was meant to happen but I watched to see how bad my angels are. That car just spin on its own and stopped, yielded for the general to pass freely. And it’s got nothing to do with my goodness or faithfulness to God.

Guys, I am not a Christian because I desire to be good, I cant be good, God knows that Himself. I know that I can go into the world and mess around all I want, He would still come to get me and bless me. I am a Christian because I just can’t resist His Love. The more you sin, the more He blesses you with grace. (Rom.5:20). The devil has offered me many opportunities to be king before and I would have taken them; It’s not that I don’t want nail these tight chicks that are offering the goodies, and it’s not because I am faithful, God would forgive me if did. The problem is that these things take time and I don’t want to spend time apart from God. I believe there is so much stuff in God if I blink, I would loose a lot. I also don’t want to be shy or always go to Him for forgiveness or starting all over again because of sin, I want easy access with a clean conscience to enjoy Him without giving Satan something to accuse or disrupt me with.

God is very addictive like a drug. Once you taste Him, you want some more and sometimes He plays hide and seek .Last year, I felt a shift in the spirit and for some seconds, I felt like God left me. I was devastated and confused because I did not sin or do anything wrong. I prayed begging, and willing to do anything just to have Him back.

I don’t know how people without God live (enjoy life)? Even the Christians who are satisfied by just His hand or spiritual gifts. Some of these spiritual gifts work against us because, one could be seeing miracles, good preaching and stuff but God not being there. Why do you think Matthew 7:22-23 NLT On judgment day many will say to Me, 'Lord! Lord! We prophesied in Your name and cast out demons in Your name and performed many miracles in Your name.' 23 But I will reply, 'I never knew you. Get away from Me, you who break God's laws.'

What a tragedy! Guys seek first the Kingdom (His face), don’t be like sinners who are satisfied with His hand of provision. Some of you God does you a favour by not giving you stuff so that you seek Him. In Him there is everything.

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