A call centre agent called me yesterday trying to sell me some products from another cellular phone network. Understanding her difficult job, I spoke to her politely that I am satisfied with my network services. She got upset arguing that my network doesn’t give me the benefits she is offering me. I told her that I am not interested in her benefits… goodbye!

Similarly, some women don’t understand why a man would not be interested in them while his wife (or God-approved partner) is not as beautiful, intelligent, sexy, young, spiritual or rich as them. They get frustrated when you don’t buy into their benefits. What they don’t understand is that what makes a man’s current wife extremely valuable is the RELATIONSHIP (you KNOW her).
In the bible they use the word ‘KNOW’ to mean INTIMACY e.g. Genesis 4:1 KJV And Adam KNEW Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain…

My lords, we are called into fellowship or intimacy (to Know God) 1 Corinthians 1:9 ESV God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Also (1 John 3:1, Gal 4:6, Mat.5:48, Rom. 8:48).

I don’t primarily relate to God as God but as my FATHER, everything else is a result of this relationship. There’s no way I can love my enemy or offer my left cheek when smacked on the right. Religion will make u do that. There’s gotta be something that would make a man being persecuted to death say, ‘FATHER, forgive them for they don’t know what they’ do ( Luke 23:34, Act 7:60).

When you know God, you feel loved, you then love yourself and your love will overflow to others. You see your enemy being small and ignorant, so you try to help them.

Prodigal son’s brother was working to impress the father. If he had intimacy (relationship) with his father like Jesus, He would know that the father is worried about the lost brother and he would go all out to save him (like Jesus did).

Martha did the same thing by working while Maria just sat besides Jesus in Luke 10:38-42. Religion makes you work for God (follow the law) to impress Him. They don’t know God.

Matthew 7:22-23 NLT On judgment day many will say to Me, 'Lord! Lord! We prophesied in Your name and cast out demons in Your name and performed many miracles in Your name.' 23 But I will reply, 'I never KNEW you. Get away from Me, you who break God's laws.'

I spend my morning everyday just sitting next to God ‘listening to his heart beat’ (figurative speaking) because there is more that you get from this than reading the Word or praying or writing offerings or any act.

It is very clear that Christianity is not the best religion with benefits but there’s gotta be something that get us holding on for years even when things go bad. For the sake of making a point, that’s why you find women staying with an abusive man, clearly they are no benefits. When you take time to know someone, they open up to you and that create a bond that hold you together even if there are no befits.

We are programmed to choose according to benefits, we look for the one with more money, spiritual, intelligence, beauty, wise e.t.c. but like I said, no one is good, we are all like the moon, ugly and gloom. (nice rhymes, neh?). The elders say take time to know her/him.

Don’t seek the fruits (benefits) of the Spirit (God) e.g. joy, peace, love, goodness, gentleness. They are a result (fruits) 0f relationship with God.

Mat. 6:33- First Seek the Kingdom (God) not things (benefits). Benefits will never satisfy you but God will give waters that you never thirst again (John 4:14). GOD IS EVERYTHING YOU NEED.

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